Germans think Donald Trump is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un

It may not be a bad idea, if this “unipolarity” is maintained by a reliable, just government.

But it will be terrible if this government in question is corrupt and dominated by rich banksters who control the central bank and armament industry.

Right, which doesn’t exist. Thus the need for a balance of power.

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He must always have the last word - how juvenile?

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Yes comrade, the peace loving peoples of Russia and China are only interested in defending themselves and their democratic institutions against the US hegemony. As Barack the First taught us the US is just one among many nations, nothing exceptional about it. :roll_eyes:

Funniest thing, when it’s politically expedient to explain an election loss Democrats proclaim Russia the foremost threat to our democracy but when it comes to getting our NATO allies to pay their fair share for defense against Russian aggression the Orange man is a pawn of their leader. :grimacing:

China carrys out a government backed campaign of economic sabotage towards other nations aided by policies like the WTO’S developing nation status in concert with an aggressive military expansion but all they want is self defense from the bad Orange man. :roll_eyes:

The old Soviet Union and Russia have long sought to frustrate US foreign policy in the ME. Likewise the Chinese have sought to expand their influence in the region counter to US interests for decades. Neither country did so solely as a reaction to the invasion of Iraq.

Way too much beer lately , WTF ? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :poop: :clown_face:

A fan of both I see . :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: SMH MORE DUMB SHIT

A unipolar world is a threat to global security, no matter who it’s led by. A balance of power is critical.

Btw, it’s not Russia and China who’s military is spread all over the world, it’s the US. China is busy building infrastructure and relationships in Latin America and Africa while the US is busy killing people and destroying infrastructure. And we’re doing it on borrowed money. Complete lunacy.

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The funniest part of it is that it’s not beneficial to Americans at all.

It was created by Wall Street interests.

Yeah, odd that so many Americans don’t understand this.

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The US hegemony is on borrowed money as well as on borrowed time.
It’s bad for the Deep State but good for Americans and everyone else.

Yes comrade, we all are better off with the US accommodating the brutal dictatorships of China and Russia, don’t want a unipolar world. Never mind the millions willing to risk life and limb to come to the US. For the good of the international order dare not assert its national interests.

Oh but wait, the US must be punished for offenses against mankind. Uncle Sucker must pay more for NATO, be saddled with grossly unfair trade agreements, and bow to foreign bureaucrats. :smile:

Wut? China is building relationships in Africa? No, they are pillaging their resources.

What are Chinese corporations doing in Africa? That’s a highly controversial issue.

The reason Chinese corporations are in Africa is simple; to exploit the people and take their resources. It’s the same thing European colonists did during mercantile times, except worse. The Chinese corporations are trying to turn Africa into another Chinese continent. They are squeezing Africa for everything it is worth.

I said no such thing…shrug.

Building Bridges:
China’s Growing Role as Infrastructure Financier for Sub-Saharan Africa
Executive Summary

And you had to come running back to share that bit of wit an wisdom with us.

Denial is a strategy, just not a good one.

Well you may claim whatever you wish, but you can not quote me suggesting that the US has an obligation to accommodate Russia and China. I’m presenting that Russia and China are doing as they are in response to the US.

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The “defense” budget of the US far surpasses those of these two countries put together. Additionally, the US has a number of economically “leading” countries such as Japan and NATO obeying what Washington commands.

I couldn’t have put it better myself. :rofl:

Unipolar world or unipolar (military) rule gave us Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, just to mention a few.

Putin said Russia will not start a war with this unipolar power (I forgot his exact wording) but Russia is willing to defend itself.

When it comes to China, I don’t know what their intentions are.