Germans think Donald Trump is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un

And doing everything they can to accelerate their own destruction as a nation.

When the wall came down and E/W Germany started talking about reunification the rest of Europe shuddered fearing a united Germany could again destroy the rest of Western Europe.

They were right but for all the wrong reasons.

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Don’t forget the Germans are the leading NATO deadbeat nation. Despite having the largest economy in Europe the Germans have never met their defense spending obligation. It’s ironic to see many of the same US politicians who rail against the rich not paying their “fair share” attack President Trump for cajoling NATO deadbeats for not meeting their defense spending obligations.

Prior to President Trump the US taxpayer was expected to foot the bill for NATO deadbeats in effect subsidizing the European welfare state. President Trump lacking diplomatic nuances upbraded the NATO freeriders setting off waves of condemnation from some but received commendation from the NATO secretary general for the more than $100 billion in increased military spending. :smile:

Much of the same displeasure directed at President Trump for violating the so-called official US policy of playing Uncle Sucker to European NATO deadbeats has been repeated in the faux impeachment inquiry centered around President Trump speaking frankly to the new Ukrainian President. Career foreign service bureaucrats are incensed at President Trump exercising his constitutional authority to set a different foreign policy from theirs of passing out taxpayer funds with no conditions or even requests to investigate corruption. Just like with NATO we are told any diplomacy that isn’t approved by deep state bureaucrats endangers national security. :roll_eyes:


Germany also gave the world the holocaust and if not for the USA there would be no Europe at all! And all the works of those great philosophers, writers, and composers would have been destroyed and buried or burned along with millions of humans.

Which Germans were sampled in the poll? How was “dangerous” defined, as willing to defend oneself versus bowing down to a despot or likely to murder his own citizens if they dissent?
Your assertion is lacking in content, which is simply someone’s (and your) opinion.

Um, you do realize that NO CRITICISM of Trump has any merit right. This is the guy that braggingly told us that he could commit murder, broad daylight in full view, and not loose a supporter. It’s a cult, and the red hatters are brainwashed. ANYBODY criticizing Trump is the devil. Now watch the responses you get.


Here we see the true desperation of the Resistance zealot reaching back nearly 4 years to a statement Trump made in sarcasm. Despite the endless and costly investigations and now a rank partisan impeachment no credible allegations of Trump committing a crime have been made. Mueller the great savior of our Republic couldn’t deliver the much ballyhooed proof of Russian collusion despite a campaign of prosecutorial abuse. There is no allegation of criminal activity in either count of the faux impeachment bill. What remains for Resistance dead enders is pawing over old quotes taken out of context and insisting Trump supporters are a cult to avoid having to discuss the facts.


Ten examples of obstruction in Mueller’s report. He said it was for congress to pick it up and run with it.

Ten unsupported accusations from Mueller’s hyperpartisan report. After failing to find the “collusion” Resistance Democrats promised was there for years Mueller’s team of Democrat activists was reduced to spinning out accusations of obstruction. Imagine that, the Resistance dream scenario with a staff of Democrat zealots armed with all the powers of a Federal prosecutor acting as a superior 4th branch of government with unlimited scope and budget ending their investigation with nothing more than a list of opportunities for someone else to investigate. :smile:

It’s a measure of just how weak Mueller’s findings were that none of it made it’s way into the Resistance crazies bill of impeachment. :roll_eyes:

Well David, this will quickly turn into a German bashing thread as we all know that dear leader IS NEVER WRONG…

Maybe it’s just the New Year’s fireworks.
I do enjoy talking to old Germans, unless they speak a dialect which I don’t understand.

But young Germans, no. They are very liberal and have been turned into idiots courtesy of the education after 1945.

OK, another one of these threads.

If you give a German an inch, he’ll take a mile. Give 'em a mile, they take Poland.


Without US there would still be a “Europe” but it would be one nation and the national language would be German.

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Russia is presenting no threat - on the contrary it’s the West which is? - and the only threat China is presenting is an economic one.

The young of all nationalities are liberal until they gain real-world experience, and join the rest of us in it. Most females are liberals too, coincidentally enough - I dunno if there’s any correlation there.

They are making the same moves in the pacific right now that Japan did in the decade prior to launching their war effort.

They are also building expeditionary capability.

You are dangerously ignorant.

Putin would take all of Western Europe tomorrow if he thought he could do it without a full response from the US and without the US NATO would fold inside of sixty days.

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I know, I know - no need to keep telling me. :roll_eyes:

It would be even better if you quit demonstrating it.

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Both Russia and China have repeatedly declared concerns about a unipolar world and the threat it poses to global security and is directly responsible for both countries military build up following the US invasion of Iraq. As you no doubt have noticed, both countries have frustrated US efforts in the ME since.