From A Nurse In Germany

Your condescending arrogance is not conducive to debate…:man_shrugging:

How does one respond to a poster intentionally missing the point of the question and then telling ME to open MY eyes?

I worked to remain civil.

The point of the question was to find out if the poster cared about Israel’s safety and if he understood, despite his seeming nonchalance, that the consequences of a nuke or other some such similarly destructive WMD on Israel might effect the USA and each of us as individuals.

If you call that arrogance, you should splain it to me a little better.

How would you have responded, given my concerns?

I stand by my reading of the exchange and my response unless there is something about that poster which would warrant special treatment.

That’s your choice…

Let’s open my choice to community judgment.

How would you have responded, given my concerns?

OK - - - Cut to the chase time. Wherever these knuckle draggers show up; no matter what European country; the crime rate, rapes, and assaults spike. Not really complicated to understand. Why anyone would dance around in stone irrefutable facts, is just beyond me. Liberal 101 - If you don’t mention or talk about it, it didn’t happen.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same as we never ever hear libs bringing this truth up. [Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial -]( memorial .asp If it were not for the Conservative group creating this site, we would not know the magnitude of the problem.

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If you’re trying to justify invading Iraq, it doesn’t work. Invading Iraq was a catastrophic blunder. I don’t care if he had a mountain of WMDs, that’s no reason to take ownership of that hellhole, spend a trillion dollars in futile nation-building and removing Iran’s nemesis, giving them hegemony in the region.

We’re still coping with that sack of burning shit that dubya left in our laps.

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The mistakes were plentiful from start to finish.

And I am willing to go along with Pres. Trump’s assessment, which seems to be the same as yours.

But, if I were POTUS, my FIRST priority would have been to put a stop to any badness that might have been possible from the WMD’s Saddam boasted of.

Why did he make the world believe he had WMD’s?

csm masthead

Why Saddam Hussein lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction

The former dictator was afraid of looking weak to Iran, according to newly declassified interviews he had with an FBI agent.

July 2, 2009


Saddam Hussein encouraged the perception that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) because he was afraid of appearing weak in Iran’s eyes, according to nearly two dozen declassified transcripts of an FBI agent’s conversations with the former Iraqi dictator released Wednesday.

Sure, there were lots of reasons NOT to have invaded, but Israel COULD NOT have been left to the merciless Iraqi dictator’s whim.

NOR could Israel’s efforts to defend herself from Saddam have been allowed to start a nuclear regional or even World war.

Dubya did what he had to do to stop the worst from happening.

Would have been easier & much cheaper to have sent in a Special Ops team & just greased the top fuckers. We’ve done that before. Just kidding.

Grease the hell out of them, as far as I’m concerned. Just don’t take ownership of the worst fucking hellhole in the world.

Well, that’s an exaggeration. Pretty much all of Africa is worse.

Saddam was more likely to nuke Iran, those two were meant for each other. We spent a trillion dollars in a place that had a GDP of $60 billion, most of it from oil.

South Africa is now in the middle of the flush. The country did have a good run though. It would be safer to allow a monkey to play with a hand grenade in a playground full of children, than to have allowed black rule in South Africa. Pearls before swine.

Often a person will infer something that is not implied.

Exodus did not generate your impression that he can’t describe more serious consequences. You concocted your own impression by assuming that was the only answer he could give.

Your assumption that he might be intentionally missing the point is also unfounded. He may be not missing the point at all.

Your capitalization of ME and MY speaks volumes about your inflated self esteem.

How would I have responded? See below.

First thing to me to criticize is our woeful lack of knowledge of Islam. And we have not progressed much since then.

And the next thing is to really put your mind into the challenge of making a decision like that.

We cant make the conditions of the challenge as we would like them to be, but as they actually are.

We can wish and hope and imagine Saddam being more likely to or better advised to attack Iran.

But the reality was that Israel was and is our ally.

If we did not protect her we would have seen the IDF attack Iraq with sufficient force to prevent ANY harm to it’s existence and with enough force to prompt a massive retaliation of the ■■■ hating Arab armies in the region.

What American President would want the ignominy of allowing our ally to be wiped off the map when he could have prevented it?

ME and MY was a private joke with another poster.

Sorry I didnt make that clear.

But I dont change any other aspect of my assessment or reaction.
If we are to be on bad terms, so be it.

But I do reserve the right to correct the record so that if you feel annoyed with my posts or point of view, that it is for just cause.

If you are the kind of poster who allows your feelings to override your rationality, we will have lots of fun.

I am reminded of the quotation by someone who said he was not great enough or arrogant enough to feign humility.

Only Jesus has that justification.

I simply WORK to be correct.

I strive for excellence in posting.

Those who dont take the pains to actually be correct as much as they can might see it as arrogance.

Your mileage may vary.

You don’t annoy me at all. You amuse me.

If I ever get over being conceited, I will be perfect.

You must try harder.

One has only to be correct in the perception of arrogance.

“Don’t” usually comes with a mark to indicate that it is a contraction of “do not”.


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Dont hate me because I’m beautiful.

Im a straight guy but you remind me of someone who gets peeved for sport or for superficial reasons.

“I’m” is a contraction of “I am”.

I’m not peeved either. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How was your day of thanks giving?

Mine was great.


Right, I can’t let that go past…

If you are not old enough to remember the war that started with the invasion of Kuwait, you will not remember the patriot missile systems that were deployed in Israel to protect against incoming Scud missiles dispatched by Saddam Hussein.

Hence my quip concerning what happens if an Iranian nuke lands on Israel

Secondly, if an Iranian nuke (or from any source) were to affect Israel, the effects upon America would be insignificant compared to the effects upon the whole of the ME and upon Europe and Africa. It is difficult to see how such an event would not drag most of the world into a conflict, and if there are nutters around who can justify the original nuke-launch there are plenty more nutters around who can justify a retaliation using the same kind of weaponry. The only unknown is how long it would take to obliterate the entire population of the world.

Thirdly, depending upon the size of the incoming nuke, the optimum detonation altitude is between 5,000 and 15,000 feet. I envisage that a rising trajectory (e.g. cruise missile) might appear to be some kind of unauthorised air vehicle attempting to overfly the territory and may not therefore be considered a sufficient threat until too late.

Which brings us back to nurses … would there be any?