Former Obama officials tell Iran to ‘hang on’ until 2020 when Trump loses

Unfortunately it really doesn’t meet the definition of treason unless they could somehow show how he aided the enemy.

Acts of collusion can be criminal acts.
Some of the related charges:

Would his actions not fall under the umbrella of collusion?

They could fall easily under conspiracy.

Common crimes can include obstruction of justice, election interference, criminal conspiracy,

The underlying crime is not as important as the intent to commit a crime and acts taken to plan for the crime. For instance, you and your co-conspirators can be charged with conspiracy to rob a bank even if the robbery is never actually attempted, which can result in a federal crime.

What was Kerry’ intent? To help a foreign country when we hav sanctions against them.

I think it is a lot more than helping a country with sanctions against them. He consistently uses his political position and the power granted therein to undermine.

He is the male version of Jane Fonda.


Kerry has been working to undermine the US since he started ass kissing to Ho Chi Mihn at the Paris Peace conferences.

This is perfectly in character for him.

He actually started doing that when I got home early from Vietnam due to his 3 Band-Aid Purple Hearts.

John Kerry is a worthless slug.

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Was that before or after he threw the “bought at the pawnshop” medals over the WH fence?

It’s how we got here.

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Nixon encouraged the north Vietnamese to hold off making a deal with the Johnson administration until he won election and he’d make them a better deal, effectively continuing hostilities, which would help him and hurt Johnson, not to mention result in more dead US combat troops.

Reagan was working with Iran behind the scenes over our hostages to his own benefit and to Carters harm, not to mention resulting in the hostages being held longer because of it.

Kerry, is simply telling Iran not to engage in hostilities that risk all our war with the US. That is welcomed.

Classic whataboutism rationalization for Kerry’s partisan encouragement of the Iranian theocracy to defy US foreign policy.

Explain how coordinating an attack on the US embassy in Baghdad is not something rash. Oh but wait, to the traitorous Kerry telling the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism to hold out for a better deal from the Democrats is “welcome”.

That about sums it up.

It’s like a kid whining that someone else did something so why doesn’t that make it okay for me to do.

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You’re so full of BS and lies here it’s ridiculous. This conspiracy nut BS was debunked decades ago.

Kerry can’t defy Trump’s policy. But people in his administration certainly have and that’s why he’s had the unprecedented turn over he has and has so many “actors” and vacant posts. That’s what happens when you’re as ill prepared and incompetent as he is.

As I pointed out, Kerry has ZERO power or authority. Unlike Nixon and Reagan, he’s not running for president.

Kerry can undercut Trump’s foreign policy with the Iranians. It’s absurd to claim that the lead negotiator for the incredibly one sided “agreement” giving the Iranians everything they wanted cannot influence the Iranians to defy US foreign policy. Gee, Kerry tells the Iranians everything they want to hear, again, but we ought to look the other way. :roll_eyes:

Resistance Democrats have adopted a policy of delaying confirmation of all Trump appointments no matter the merits of the choice. No wonder Trump has resorted to acting positions.

It’s instructive to see Democrats whining about Trump not taking full advantage of the political patronage conferred by the Presidency. It’s not a matter of good policy, it’s filling every slot in the org chart. :roll_eyes:

It was NOT one sided. And it was supported by the UK, Germany, France, Russia and China…

He can and should be arressted, charged, and convicted for it as well.

Dem’s like to scream treason every time Trump takes a breath but Kerry’s actions are as close to treason as one can get without actually stepping over the line.

Fortunately there are lots of charges other than treason that can be applied to his actions.

Of course it was one sided. There was absolutely no benefit to the US.

All it did was hand them over a 170bn dollars to use in training and equipping their terrorist proxies to attack Americans and our allies and to fund the development of their medium and long range ballistic missiles.

Remember too that the agreement allowed them to place many of their most sensitive nuke sites off limits to compliance inspections.

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Let’s just go “Jingis Khan” on him

" Genghis", but I’m almost with ya there.

If we addressed him as he should be through the CJ system though he’d get worse than that from his new “friends” in prison.

Let us remain civilized and let the animals do what they do. :grinning: