So just ALL the dems lived in the south then . :roll_eyes:

How so? The North had slaves too. And like current day Democrats, as soon as the civil war was over, the party of Lincoln forgot all about them too.

That part is not so. The Republicans drove the bus toward civil rights for blacks. The Democrats either pushed back or ignored the issue until they saw all the votes available in exchange for trinkets…so they established the Democrat Welfare Plantation that still exists today.

You do realize the Republicans and Democrats literally switched places between Lincoln and FDR, right? The Republicans of 1860 were closer to the Democrats of today than the Republicans. Big government all the way. Lincoln didn’t really give a rats ass about slaves, for him the civil war was about keeping the Union intact. The only reason we say it was over slavery today is because that was the reason the South gave for wanting to break away from the North. It boiled down to the governed no longer consenting to be governed. Instead of being allowed to dissolve said government as was outlined in the original articles of Confederation (which later the states ratified as the Constitution where it was specifically spelled out that states had the right to dissolve their membership in the union if the central government broached their contract with the states) Lincoln went a step further and made it illegal to secede from the Union after the civil war. At all. And that my friend, is when the United States of America no longer resembled what the Founders had intended and started descending into becoming exactly the form of government they had broken away from.

I’ve never argued that the War Between the States wasn’t about secession…and it wasn’t a civil war. The south wasn’t fighting for control of the government. The south was fighting for separation and the formation of it’s own government…more of a war for independence than a civil war.

Right, but the victors write history. Just as if the British had won our war for independence Benedict Arnold would have been a hero and our Founding fathers would have been hung publicly as traitors to the crown.

Rush helped with that, I think. I remember the first time I heard him. "YES. YES. YES… EXACTLY! " was my feeling.

That part I dont agree with, nobody switched places, the Democrats switched Tactics, the Republcans focused more on fighting communism .

That part is true.

Interesting point .

Southerners were mostly dems, yes.

Yes, some did. The north mostly traded in slaves, they didn’t keep them. Simple examination of slave population by state and research on the agriculture of the day.

It follows water.

It’s my opinion that New England profit more off the slave then the south did.

Mmmmmm… I don’t think so.

Not only did they sold the slave…they also acted as middle men in trading cheap cotton and other agriculture products back you Europe.

Good point. I’m not convinced, but I don’t want to argue.

Potato potato. The point is even though Lincoln was a Republican in 1860, he wasn’t anything remotely resembling a Republican in 1960 when the Republicans were fighting for civil rights.

Post Modernisn and the progressive movement took over! They are both synonymous with each other! The Frankfurt Institute and the post modernist philosophies were all rooted in Marxism thus sought to turn society upside down! Cyclic Paradigm shift from authentic culture to mass consumption culture with the advent of technology, social media and the internet exacerbated the highly secularistic society we are experiencing today!

The four horsemen of the apocalypse were Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha and Nietzsche!

Lincoln was a plutocrat who invented corporate welfare where he was bought and paid for by the railroads!

I know what your point is and its still wrong

The republicans pushed through the Civil rights act of 1957 and 1960, it was the democrat in congress tha weakened the bills as they controlled both houses in congress and Eisenhower signed it into law but it was weak.

The 1964 passed by the democrats after JFK death was supported 82% of republicans in the house and 94% republicans in the senate and it took a few smart republicans to invoke the Two speech rule to the loser democrats who opposed the civil rights bill before it could pass through the senate.

So to sit here and tell me that republicans didnt give a shit about civil rights and not the party of LIncoln is disingenuous

Its too bad that the Democrats controlled Congress during IKE last few years when he was pushing for the civil rights that ended up being passed in 1964

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You believe I’m wrong only because you’re still basing it off the false assumption that they were the same party in 1860 and 1960. They weren’t. That’s the point.

The republican party stood more for Civil rights than the Democrats, It was the Republicans who pushed the first civil rights act in 1875 as they controlled both chambers of congress and a republican president signed off on it and then the supreme court declared it unconstitutional 8 years later.

I just finished telling you in 1957 which lead to 1960 civil rights which lead to the civil rights act we see today and majority of republicans voted and pushed for it and that sneaky SOB LBJ signed off on it and his famous quote

We get those N*ggers voting for us for the next 200 years, all you people got is Strom Thurmond switching parties to the Republicans

you can make a case today that Today’s republicans are not the party of lincoln.
That party of lincoln died after Eisenhower walked out of the Oval office, Nixon , Ford definitely not

Reagan was more fighting the communists than anything else.