You cucks aren’t going to do anything. This is a common occurrence. You didn’t riot when pic related happened and you aren’t going to do shit now.
That’s a terrible story! I’m literally in tears right now. A sweet little baby boy burned alive. I am sure fucking mad right now I can’t even take it.
But you shouldn’t say things like this because people like me and many others have HAD it! My neighborhood is completely packed with Muslims and illegals now and it’s terrible. We need to keep ourselves motivated, fight through the fake calls of racism, and demand OUR rights be observed and that JUSTICE is served for OUR victims.
Since most decent white Americans are usually busy working & raising families, it can be difficult to find the time to protest. Unlike the 3rd generation welfare parasitic dregs of humanity, who spend their lives draining the soul from our wholseome country.
Thank God I live in PA’s Coal Regions; the only Western towns East of the Mississippi. In my neighborhood, you can’t swing a dead cat, without hitting soemone who is armed to the teeth. So far, so good. My neighborhood has people who still look after each other. And people who know when it’s time to look the other way when necessary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [
This story really bothered me. If you want to help this family donate some money. This little man survived and will need a lot of medical attention.
It’s alright to blow off some steam on this thread, but if you want to do something productive for him and his family, donate here (I did):
Well this gets more interesting. Apparently the black person who committed this heinous act is a Somali Muslim and from illhan’s District. Yeah that same congress woman who is a racist and is causing controversies every day by the stupid things she says. Has she said anything about this? Lets see how human she is?
By way of miracle the boy is still alive clinging to life in a hospital.
Can good decent Black Americans who voted for Trump who are just as outraged by this join too?
Hell yeah - as long as they recognize that white people have a right to exist and that blacks don’t deserve special treatment because of the color of their skin.
Then don’t make it about “White People”! Make it about injustice and have a more unifying theme of all color or no color at all! The minute you go down the road of White justice, is exactly what they want you to do! You play right into their hands of identity politics!
Police said they do not, at this time, believe Aranda to have been related to the victim or known by the family. The police chief said this appears to have been an isolated incident, and there is no threat to the public.
Aranda, who is being held on suspected attempted homicide, had been banned from Mall of America in the past, and was charged and convicted of misdemeanors in two separate incidents at the mall in 2015. In July of that year, Aranda was charged with causing damage inside stores, throwing items off of a balcony to a lower level and resisting arrest. Aranda was then charged in October of that year for throwing a glass of water and a glass of tea at a woman inside of Twin City Grill after she refused to buy him food.
Aranda was also charged in August of 2015 with destroying computers in a north Minneapolis library. According to the criminal complaint, Aranda told officers that “he has some anger issues,” and that, “it does not happen all the time.”
Remind me why we stopped lynching these apes?
What a load of crap. If a white person was the perp it would be all over the news. We need to send these ugly f#@##$ back to Somalia. We as white people are way to tolerant of this garbage. Everywhere they go (SOMALIANS)they bring death, sadness and destruction. Just look at Sweden , also politicly correct and putting with that garbage.
This case could be about race, or religion, or crazy, or some combination of them. We don’t know. We cannot rush to judgement. But you welcome, whatever your skin tone to join all thinking people to be outraged at this horrific event.
And as people of reason we must go one step further. We must wait until the man charged is convicted.
I am not like the astroturf and leftist lead BLM idiots that protest without purpose or certitude.
Hold a vigil for the child and his family. Never rush to judgement, that is what the lying evil jerks on the other side do. Don’t become your evil adversary.
Was that really necessary?
Stupid is as stupid does.
No, that is not the “real” problem.
The real problem (as I see it) is the way democrats kowtow to the fringe groups (i.e. BLM, ANTIFA, etc.) because they want votes and power. The MSN is complicit in painting a distorted picture for the low information voters.
IMO, a clash between races is exactly what the democrats want so they can get their black voting base back.
Has that Somali piece of shit Ilhan Omar said anything about this scumbag yet?
the problem is that when a non white person commits a random act of violence white people are disproportionately the targets/victims and there is also a double standard in how the media covers random crimes against white people
sounds like you have done some real bad things in your past and are now waiting for karma to get you that’s what you get for being a Crip or Aryan or whatever street gang you was in