Feral Black Mongrel Throws Five Year Old White Boy Off Balcony At Mall of America in Minnesotastan

There are already setting it up for him to walk away from this with a slap on the wrist. He wuz a gud boi wit sum mental problems tryna turn his life around - he dindu nuffin.


He’s actually the victim of white privilege. He saw that little boy’s blonde hair and just went into an uncontrollable rage due to the hundreds of years of white oppression that his people have felt. White people need to apologize and pay reparations.

That’s what’s next - screencap this.

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I want my money from England for the enslavement of my Irish ancestors. Waaaaaaaaaaaa

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Does he know black African ( so called ) kings sold their own people to Arab slavers? And that Muslims were the very keystone in the African slave trade? Just another tid bit not taught in our public schools.

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The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves - Global Research

What’s that you say, the Irish were Indentured Servants. If so, the requirements to be an Indentured Servant were pretty tough.

Whenever they rebelled or even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave owners would hang their human property by their hands and set their hands or feet on fire as one form of punishment. They were burned alive and had their heads placed on pikes in the marketplace as a warning to other captives.

Concerning the histroy of slavery, this is what I have to say; TEACH IT ALL or TEACH NOTHING. Does that sound fair?

I’m so sorry, I was taking the OP off track. I’m easily amped up.

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The liberals and the MSM (the propaganda arm of the liberals) are deliberate in their efforts to hide the carnage inflicted on white people by black people. They have the opposite tact when the races are reversed.


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If the crimes against whites perpetrated by illegals & blacks were all reported, it would require an extra daily edition. I will never ever leave my home unarmed.

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Who is in Minnesota here?

Who do you know in the community, do you know of any organizations that can organize a statewide and hopefully nationwide protest?

How do we make this happen. We need to make the story of the white child thrown off the balcony bigger than any of BLM protests. I want to see White people fucking MARCH. How do we make this happen? Who do we call?

Let’s organize. Let’s mobilize. We can do this and we must. I’m willing to put in whatever amount of work but I don’t know shit about protests or which organizations would back us that are in Minnesota.

We cannot let them bury this story, this could be the powder keg we need RIGHT NOW.

Let’s fucking do something.

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I have a pistol in my pocket when I mow the lawn…or walk to the mailbox.

Sadly this incident will be lost amoung thousands of others. Like this particualr list. If it were not for this web site, most Americans would be unaware of these crimes. This is one of many lists. [

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial - OJJPAC.org


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My 1911 hangs by my shower. I may come out naked, but I’ll come out shooting.

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Nope - I refuse to believe that. We need to take to the streets over this.

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Regardless of this man’s race, he should be executed. He is of no value to society.

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PUBLIC CRUCIFIXION would work for me.


Nothing can get much worse than having your offspring thrown to their death. Your lineage taken from you in an instant. Blood rage.


Blacks riot over criminals being shot by police. If we can’t organize over a child being THROWN OFF OF A FUCKING BALCONY then we deserve our fate. This is the story to unite people to the cause. Fuck anyone trying to blame it on mental illness. This ■■■■■■ was a repeat offender, Landon’s blood is on the hands of the corrupt liberal politicians that allow for repeat offenders to walk around freely. We know blacks can’t be mentally ill, they have to be sentient for that.

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You make a point. If you don’t have the time, you make the time. All ducks in a row, and go for it.

I’m not disputing that. Nor am I attempting to dismiss or excuse the statistics,the crimes or the impact the crimes have on victims.

What I am saying is the actions of one black person, acting alone, does not represent all black people.

No more than the Unabomber, McVey, etc. represent all white people.

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  • uppity B-list black stages “hatecrime” on himself
  • media in a nationwide uproar
  • blacks rape, murder, and butcher white women and children every single day
  • not a peep



But people making “white supremacist” hand symbols are the real problem. They need to pay for this one. :ok_hand: