Interesting to note that one of the loudest collusion screamers, John Brennan, former Obama appointed Director the the CIA, admits voting for an actual Russian asset, Gus Hall, for President.
The MSM is going all in on muh russia again, theyre shitting watermelons over it. I’m starting to think the shut down has them spooked, they cant coordinate with the moles the same way, they have less intel on what Trump is actually doing,l.
So they must have opened an investigation on Obama when he repeatedly did things that benefited the Ayatollahs in Iran, right?
My theory is they all thought Killary was going to win and they were going to use the FBI to go after Trump, his whole family, and business empire after the wretch took office. No way they were going to let all the shit he stirred up go unpunished. They wanted to destroy him and his whole family. After he won they just decided to use Russia as an excuse to get rid of him. If he had lost they would have made up anything they wanted and used the FBI to railroad him.
I don’t believe it’s a theory.
Oh BTW…welcome to Bullpen.