That’s the thing about Congress, we will work with members of BOTH houses to get our legislation through. Sure it means electing Falconists to Congress. However it also means we may have to work with Democrats on infrastructure and enacting a better health insurance system while working with Republicans on getting social policies enacted
Trump lacks the moxie to do any of the things you suggest. The ACA was a good step in the right direction but lacks bipartisan support to address its weaknesses. As for the infrastructure, not only is he oblivious to its shortcomings from his gold toilet seat Bubble, he doesn’t care. If health and infrastructure ever get properly addressed, it will be by some future president.
Immigrations not going to change because neither party wants to make it easy for legal immigration. There’s far more money made with illegal immigrants and the status quo.
It sounds good on paper but America has become far to polarized to work together anymore.
Our new flag will have the stars reshaped into a Swastika. Who will run and control the USG BANK??? Congress!!!.Good luck !!! Imangine Pelosi in charge of that!!!
Will students have to" Pledge Allegiance " to the flag wear uniforms and in place of recess, drill and ceremony class in the gym.I guess the government will print all the textbooks to prevent" wrongthink" . A creation of a Falconist Youth Brigade.
Is the Annexation of NA like the Annexation of the Sudetenland and Alsace Lorraine???
You should be a passenger on Musks spaceship to Mars.
If there isn’t racism, why “Annex” MEXICO.I like the word " tweak" for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. How do expect to work with both sides ,with guns at their heads!!!
You should be evaluated for CSDD( Common Sense Derangement Disorder) immediately!!!
And that future POTUS could well be a falconist
That’s fine by me. It’s just not going to be Trump.
The Chairman of the BOTUS will be appointed by the POTUS with the consent of Congress and with Congressional approval may remove the Chairman.
So who’s the front man of the Falconist party presently?
We’re still in the process of determine our frontman or what his title will be. We’re considering Praetor, President, Chairman, or “The CINC” (Commander-In-Chief)
How about Commissar in Chief!!!
You seem to be responding to the wrong post here Beads.
Chancellor would be fitting.
How about The Big Beak?
I havent read that at all. I dont want to be put on some blacklist.
“Know your enemy”. Just as true today as when it was first uttered.
Here’s some more ideas:
The Badass Birdbrain
Our Feathered Father
Cocksucker would be quite fitting.
I’m making additional suggestions for the Birdbrain Party.
Sorry but government run healthcare or anthill is doomed to failure as we se with many government programs including the ACA. And the Federal Government should not be evolved in state infrastructure issues.
Seems idiot would be more appropriate.
Idiot in charge.
Looks like a replacement for the failing democon party.