Falconist Party

Famous line from James Watt, Reagan’s secretary of the interior: We’ve got a woman, a black, two ■■■■ and a cripple

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Presumably just the good leaving behind the bad…

Well that’s moot, as Trump promised to pay it off during his tenure…

On what legal basis??? :man_shrugging:

And after amnesty…millions of illegal aliens who will now vote Democrat.

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We can offer to admit each Canadian province as a state. We can have elections in Mexico to vote whether or not to join the union. We can buy the dependencies of all nations who have a claim in North America

A whole lot of assumptions there…:man_shrugging:

If they reject our offer that’s their choice and we can leave it at that. We won’t invade another country unless that country proves itself to be a threat to America. There’s no probable cause for that at this time

Fair enough. Which means annexing Mexico and Canada is nothing more than a pipe dream as of course it would have zero support from either.

With almost half the country paying an effective income tax of zero, and over forty percent dependent on gov’t programs that would have to be cancelled as a result the outcome would be a peasant’s revolution.

What I stated was absolutely accurate.

Your list is utterly insane and the country would not survive the civil war that would result if we got even close to enacting it.

Is this directed at the NATSOC or Falconist Party program ?

The Falconist Party programs will pay for themselves with the robust economic expansion due to the following.

Our rebuilding program will add $3 to the GDP for every $1 invested. If we spend 10 trillion over ten years on this program that will add at least $30 trillion to the GDP.

Our universal health voucher program will end the employer based health care system which is an albatross on our economy. America will become a magnet for corporations all over the world to open shop in the US. In addition we’re going to reduce corporate taxes to 20% and replace the payroll tax with the Value Added Tax.

To boost economic growth even further, we would mandate American based corporations to only pay out 5% of their profits as dividends and plow their profits back into business

Our program of increasing legal immigration and assimilation will increase the working age population to support retirees on social security.

And by producing a budget that is not only balanced but dedicated 3% of the GDP to paying down the debt, that will pay off the debt in ten years and save America hundreds of billions of dollars in interest on the national debt.

As long as plowing profits back into the business means expansion and more jobs, and not 40 million dollar salaries to CEO’s.

Most of what you’re presenting sounds reasonable.

Why are you jealous of anyone’s income? Go earn as much as the market will bear. Their income doesn’t come out of your pocket, unless you purchase what they sell. You would not do what they have to do to earn what they earn. There isn’t a finite amount of cash in the world.

The Falconist.

To pay for everything would require somewhere around a 70% total federal tax burden on the middle class. That is why the Western European Social Democracies imploded in the late eighties and into the nineties.

There’s no evidence to suggest this is true or even possible.

That sounds good, very similar to what Trump promised. But look how that turned out…:roll_eyes:

If Trump was serious about putting forth a monumental rebuilding the infrastructure program, replacing Obamacare with something better, and fixed the immigration system so more people can enter the country legally we would be a much higher economic growth rate right now

Don’t tell anyone as it’s a secret.

Immigration LAW is controlled by CONGRESS. I know Obama sought to write new law like DACA with Executive orders however they remain executive orders.

Infrastructure?? The Federal Government?

Why would you tax at the Federal Level take a cut snd it to the state level who also take a cut and in most cases sends it to the local level for implementation?

Replace the ACA? Once again a LAW passed by both houses of CONGRESS.

As you can se TRUMP has little to do with your dreams of a larger central government.