Everyone is Starting to Hate Climate Snowflakes!

Absolutely correct.

They are already there.
It’s not wind mills that kill birds or ridiculously expensive solar panels.

The price of solar panels have plummeted since I first built my solar house in 1996. Back then a 100 watt SP was $800.00 and today $200.00

I wonder if, in a timescale such as a thousand years, governments will be frantically looking for ways to increase atmospheric Carbon-Dioxide in order to sustain agriculture.


That and they’ll likely go to anaerobic sewage treatment to try and generate as much methane as possible.

It always cracks me up how water vapor, the most prevalent and important of all “greenhouse gasses” is ignored as well as how much it has been increased due to the expansion of irrigation and lawn watering.

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Climate Freak Hilarity

Activists Share Their ‘Climate Change Sins’ During Protest

Explaining Why They Use Products Made From Fossil Fuels
Sometimes you just can’t fix stupid! :rofl:

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Wish someone would ask them WHY exactly they want to save the planet?. The planet is not in any danger - it will still be here long after we have gone.
I also wish someone would tell them that pollution is caused by ppl so the solution is to get rid of ppl to save the planet. Maybe we should start by eliminating millenials?

Physicists Discover CO2 Cannot Cause Global Warming


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Maybe population reduction was the plan all along?

The denial of efficient, affordable energy to a world in need would necessarily lead to the loss of millions of lives and the impoverishment of many millions more.


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It’s only a more profound degree of violation.

Protesters who block roads and trains should be arrested and charged as a public nuisance (at a minimum).

And in my opinion, if they are attacked by crowds who are put out because of their antics, police should stand back and let peer-to-peer recourse play out. (Kind of like the way hockey refs let two guys duke it out for a bit before breaking it up.) Stupidity and malicious disruption of public flow should come at a cost.


Nice way of pointing out that religion is a hoax…:wink:

“rebranded paganism”

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Oh ok, unorthodox religion…

You nailed it.

I would say, elimination of millions of lives and the enslavement of many millions more.

Remember the Georgia Guidestones? The total population figure was given: 500 million.

I also think if anyone dies because police or an ambulance can’t get to their destination in time they should be charged with manslaughter.


Religion was invented by “those in charge” to explain the in-explainable.

Thus was born ‘God’, whose displeasure was displayed in thunderstorms and other weather events, volcanoes and earthquakes, etc.

Later it was twisted by the smart-and-wise into a form of penal servitude.

IMHO, of course…

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Yes, I agree with that…

Hey everybody, I found where Monte works

Yep! Looks like a troll bot farm!


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Above post has no significance. It doesn’t even contribute to any decent discussion.

Yeah coming from you that is calling the Kettle black!

I don’t resort to personal attacks.
Your posts have no substance. Just badmouthing.