Every Day I Wake Up And Thank My Maker That I'm Not Ammosexual

not gonna do you any good.

Regardless of however you want to twist this situation the simple fact remains, the police and the government are not there to protect you. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your own defense and personal safety.

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Yeah because you already proven you are a complete waste of every ones time here!

Whatever…why don’t you give that a try, Bronson.

Your measure has been taken, Doc…

Maybe you can come back under a different handle, Tinkerbell.


No need. We all know you are just a wannbe Kung Fu Master! You already proven that along with your homosexual partner Riki Tutu!

What we’ve done here the past few days is the moral equivalent of walking into your home and marking your entire family.

How old are you again? 8 years old? Your maturity and lack thereof shows! Thanks, you prove that daily here.

Get back on the porch, Yappy…

What are you even talking about? Give what a try?

if you believe that you are at liberty to be your own Regulator, you need to staple a list of your beneficiaries to your forehead before leaving your house.

I didn’t say that. I said that you are responsible for your own safety and security. The police don’t show up before something happens. They show up after to preserve the scene, collect evidence, talk to witnesses, etc. It’s up to each individual to keep themselves and their family safe.

If you trust government then you are NOT an American. You are a nanny state loving statist who would bring us closer to tyranny. People like you should be considered traitors and treated accordingly.

Like repeating yourself and using the same lines ?

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Why bother with this leftist idiot! He is a internet warrior who has watched too many Bruce Lee movies!

Because we are all stuck inside and reading the schlock he/she/shim/xer is spewing has been pretty entertaining.

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You mean the US government?

To what nation do you pledge your fealty?

Do you people actually sit down to think about this?

Nice job blowing by everything I said and trying to twist my words into something to fit your ridiculous narrative.

Americans have a long and proud history of distrusting government that dates back to the founding of this country. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all centered upon distrust of government.

Of course, if you weren’t a government worshiping statist you would know that.

Now let’s get back on the subject of being responsible for your own personal safety and security since the police aren’t there to protect you.

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You talk in circles…you like the sound of certain phrases, but you can’t make the pieces come together in a rational consistent framework…

The US is not a guy in a fake tan.

He is still your president and probably will be for the next 4 years with the lame arguments you are putting forth here! Again more weak sauce on your part!

What about anything I said is a circle? It’s a pretty clear and well reasoned argument.

In the majority of instances, the police do not show up to protect someone during a violent crime in progress. As a result, each individual is responsible for their own safety and security.

Do you need me to break this down for you in simpler terms? It’s a real shame I can’t use crayons to demonstrate the argument for you.