Elon Musk's Twitter Aquisition, Censorship and the Proxy War +++ UPDATES+++

Twitter has become an essential platform for communication and news in the modern world. In the past, breaking news would often come from television or radio, with reporters giving updates on unfolding events. However, Twitter has changed all that. Now, anyone can quickly and easily share information about what is happening around them. This has been incredibly important during times of crisis, when accurate information can be hard to come by. For example, during the 2017 hurricanes in Houston and the 2022 hurricane in Florida, Twitter was used to share vital information about evacuation routes and shelters. Similarly, during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, Twitter was a key source of information for both journalists and the general public. In a world that is increasingly reliant on social media, Twitter provides a vital service in communicating breaking news and events.

This was awesome! It is also awesome watching all the accounts being restored coming back to post as well!

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Wow! Tucker was on the mark with this point and it true. They are going to go after Elon Musk!

Tucker Carlson on Elon Muskā€™s takeover of Twitter: ā€œThe Biden administration is in trouble because of this. Everything depends, for them, on censorship.ā€

ā€œThere is no such thing as ā€œFUā€ Money only ā€œFUā€ poverty!ā€


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Completely and 100% totally agree with this sentiment!

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Just from casual observance from afar itā€™s very easy to spot all the standard alarms going off on a really rich megalomaniac jerkoff running amok. I feel for the actual humans who did or do work at Twitter and in his other endeavors, because Iā€™ve been one of those who had my work life blown up and re-routed by a stupid rich fucker at play in the world. Inside his bubble anything could happen and probably will.

I donā€™t use or read Twitter or any other social media app, but I see how the weak and stupid seem to be attracted to it like flies to shit. The only certainty is that this fucker will soon be doing stuff that makes the planet less easy to live on. That heā€™s already made offers to be one of Putinā€™s boys is not encouraging.

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Elon has walked a tightrope with failure always nearby, for as long as we have paid attention to him. Heā€™s still standing on the rope, whether we like it or not. Heā€™s arrogant, offensive, erratic and yet continues to succeed. He will fall eventually, but donā€™t bet on when.

You should go educate yourself on the issue of Ukraine before making dumb statements like that or about Putin.

The rest of your statement however is just a matter of opinion that you are entitled to, not that I agree much with that either. The good news is free speech will be returning to the platform and people no longer have to fear about misgendering or getting someoneā€™s pronouns wrong, however that is not to say that its going to be a free for all, as I am sure there will still be rules to follow on the platform. As I am sure I am not alone in this sentiment but most sane people have had enough of the snowflakes and their woke ideology wreaking havoc on the rest of society for one life time and its over due that payback is tenfold for the soy latte drinkers who think only their opinions matter! Molan labe!


Great points, but Muskā€™s acquisition of Twitter creates a potentially interesting dynamic.

In the past, Trump has called for repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which (generally speaking) protects platforms like Twitter from being held liable for content produced by others but published on such platform.

Musk, on the other hand, professes to want freedom of speech and now apparently owns Twitter. So I think he would be opposed to any changes in Section 230 protection, if only out of self-interest.

But Trumpā€™s opposition to Section 230 (see Executive Order 13935) was mainly out of self-interest as well. All he really wanted was to stop Twitter from labeling or censoring right-wing tweet-lies.

My guess is that if Twitter (and maybe YouTube?) become a playground for Trumpism and QAnon, Trump will forget all about his previous issues with Section 230.

Still, I personally think there really is a problem here. I donā€™t think our laws have evolved to deal well with the internet-spawned ability to anonymously publish defamatory falsehoods on a world-spanning platform. If the platform itself cannot be held responsible, then there needs to be a stronger method for placing responsibility on the originator of (and perhaps the spreaders of?) damaging false content.

I understand the 1st Amendment implications, but I think a rebalancing is called for.

Except the part you get egregiously wrong is evident you donā€™t read much to actually stay up on top of the facts and details; is that Twitter has officially become a private company and is no longer publicly traded. So the entire sec 230 protection debate has virtually become a moot point.

Carry on with the rest of your speculative nonsense as it seems there is no basis that supports anything you are saying other than pacifying your already hurt feelings!

If Musk turns Twitter into a Parler-type cesspool, the useful users will go elsewhere. Tis the way of the internet. I think the company is worth about half what he paid for it. But thatā€™s still $21 billion dollars. Drive off the attractive users, and 21 billion could become a $2 dollar bill.

No you donā€™t, nor do the other libs wringing their hands. Your fixation on Trump is exemplary of this - heā€™s your Darth Vader and the people who voted for him are exponents of Darth Vaderism. Sprinkle in a few concerns over misinformation, disinformation, tweet-lies and Putin, and youā€™ve got a pretext for hounding Musk into submission. This isnā€™t about the 1st amendment, free speech or communications decency. Itā€™s about the leftā€™s near domination of the information media, flagrant use of propaganda and fear that propaganda can only work when thereā€™s no information that might make the whole fantasy world come crashing down.

Iā€™m pretty old and I got very accustomed to misinformation and disinformation in the old media, newspapers. Back in the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s, the left was all about sympathy for the USSR and other left wing abominations. Complaining about McCarthy-ism, fear of a communist under every bed. Leaks were common and were often false or done with a veiled political agenda, but the whole thing was less omnipresent when they could only publish a newspaper once a day. Also, there were diminishing numbers of people who were old-school journalists, not shameless arms of the Democrat party.

Now the left is doing much worse, this is mis-informationism and Trump under every bed. You guys couldnā€™t care less about Putin, the only enemies that youā€™ll really fight tooth-and-claw are the ones who threaten your political power. Thatā€™s been true ever since I started wondering why the blaseā€™ attitude on the left towards clearly evil regimes like the USSR - there are no foreign enemies, only domestic ones.


Far right white nationalist senator finds common cause with the new Musk owned twitter:


Musk doesnā€™t seek a ā€œfree-for-all hellscapeā€ for Twitter


Is he stoned or drunk or trying to mitigate the exodus or maybe even having second thoughts about his ā€œanything within the lawā€ bullcrap?

Iā€™m thinking pretty much anything but the last. (Of course, being perhaps the current poster child for Rich White Guys, maybe he means he wants everyone to be welcome as long as they know their place.)

His mind is going to be greatly concentrated by needing a billion dollars a year simply to service the debt. Allowing nazis etc. to freely post will both cause a backlash among users and scare off advertisers in an already very difficult environment (vide Facebook earnings).

Twitter has about $6 billion in cash and short term investments on hand. Theyā€™ve been throwing that away pretty quickly, but musk has at least a couple of years of screwing around before he has to worry about debt service. His stated plan of cutting headcount by 75% is, of course, almost diametrically opposed to the idea of keeping nazis from posting. You need more human attention, not less, to deal with nazis, unless a large chunk of twitterā€™s headcount has been devoted to actively enabling nazis. (This kind of thing could be handled algorithmically in theory, but very unlikely short of a Great Wall style investment.)

Perhaps he thinks a much smaller twitter will somehow throw off enough revenue to keep his investors and creditors happy. I think mostly weā€™re going to see a couple years of turbulence and then some haircuts.

(Itā€™s also possible that Musk thinks he can monetize nazis ā€“ how much would various folks pay to not have the terms of service apply to them, or to have the companyā€™s power directed at people they donā€™t like.)