Elon Musk's Twitter Aquisition, Censorship and the Proxy War +++ UPDATES+++


With META basically crashing and burning, I donā€™t think that twitter will last much longer. Iā€™m pretty sure that a subscription model wonā€™t work without a costly investment in rewriting the code which he wonā€™t be willing to pay for. There is a reason we socialize those expenses to shareholders.

If I pay for a subscription anywhere I donā€™t want to see any ads at allā€¦

As opposed to left wing tweet lies?..lol.

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What is a woman?

okjfo; n24rd

Do you notice how this whole subject has become euphemism city? ā€œWhite Nationalistā€ is their catch-all euphemism for Nazi. They canā€™t pin any specific activities Cotton or people like him that push racial superiority, so they use a vague term that can apply to anyone that they dislike.

Misinformation, disinformation is just a euphemism for discordant opinions. Thereā€™s been much more disinformation put out by the New York Times than anyone theyā€™re crusading against. They veil it with leaks from senior intelligence or DOJ people - most likely Brennan and Comey, maybe through stooges that theyā€™ve left behind. Obama had eight years to saturate civil service with his operatives.
Since 2017 there was an almost daily menu of ā€œNow weā€™ve got himā€ stories on Russia-gate. Still thereā€™s ā€œNow weā€™ve got himā€ stories almost once a week, but now they need to focus their smears on DeSantis and others who look like bigger threats. Since 2016, theyā€™ve had an army of operatives turning over every pebble to try and nail Trump for something, and they couldnā€™t.

Okay, maybe now, they have the goods on him for exaggerating the value of some property, after having several state attorneys general, the DOJ, FBI, and a special prosecutor shake the trees for six years. Not to mention the army of ā€œjournalists.ā€ Maybe, but I doubt it - the odds say itā€™s just another ā€œNow weā€™ve got himā€

If they win a prosecution on some piss-ant charge like this, many years from now, the official liberal history will say that this was the heroic analog to getting Al Capone on tax charges.


If you can manage to step back from the current political commotion on both sides, what can you infer regarding how Musk could approach ongoing debt funding his other businesses? Thatā€™s the real subject of debate.

For example, if youā€™re a bank, yea, youā€™ll get fees for managing the debt syndication, but do you want the exposure to an imperious and impulsive CEO who, in the course of all this commotion, has dragged things on, tried to walk away from the mess with a very tight binding contract, and generally created commotion and risk. Keep in mind that the magnitude of the risk incurred by funding the debt bonds has only increased due to Muskā€™s delay in completing the purchase since interest rates have continuously and substantially increased during this period. Heā€™s like Trump, an unpredictable partner who will screw you in a heartbeat. The win-win scenario doesnā€™t exist for him. Perhaps he goes the route that Trump did and effectively become a money launderer via the use of sketchy private equity. All I know is that heā€™s sent plenty of signals that heā€™s a very difficult person to do business with and Tesla stock (which is collateral for the Twitter purchase) remains overvalued by any conventional metric, which creates risk for Muskā€™s entire portfolio.

Progressives hate Elon Musk because heā€™s a successful businessman who isnā€™t afraid to speak his mind. Heā€™s a genius who has created some of the most innovative companies of our time, and heā€™s one of the few people who is actually working to solve some of the worldā€™s most pressing problems. But Progressives donā€™t want people to be successful, they want everyone to be equally poor and miserable. Theyā€™re jealous of Muskā€™s success, and they hate him because he represents everything that theyā€™re not. Heā€™s a hardworking, self-made man who believes in meritocracy and individual achievement. Heā€™s an optimist who believes that we can create a better future for ourselves and for humanity as a whole. Progressives canā€™t stand that. If he were parroting their talking points they would love him.


"Progressives havenā€™t been to war yet, only through imaginary games played on the streets dressed in black hoodies in vane attempts to fill the self loathing voids with a cause they think is worthy. When they finally see what starvation is about or their friends dying in the hands of invaders hanging from street lamp posts within a dystopian of their making, such commentaryā€™s of figures trying to do the good of humanity will be but of a distant thought. Their tears will be their own and theirs only. " ~ E.M. Coolidge


The Left is melting down now because both sides of every story can be heard without being banned.

The days of the lying, propaganda, media fake news narratives are over.


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Leftists need to remember that Twitter is a private business and can do whatever it wants. If they donā€™t like it, they should create their own Twitter.

Twitter isnā€™t some public utility that leftists are entitled to use however they please. Itā€™s a private business with its own terms of service that users agree to when they sign up. Leftists who violate those terms of service are nothing more than trespassers who deserve to be banned. And if Twitter decides to ban all leftists from its platform, thatā€™s its prerogative as a private business.

So leftist crybabies need to stop whining and realize that Twitter can do whatever it wants. If they donā€™t like it, they can go create their own Twitter clone. But theyā€™ll never be able to match the scale and reach of the real Twitter, so theyā€™ll always be at a disadvantage. So itā€™s best for them to just accept that Twitter is a private business and deal with it accordingly.


They really do hate getting a dose of their own medicine. I remember this narrative well from the 2016 election cycle, when we were the ones getting banned.


They had no problem using Twitter as a way to cancel people for wrongthink getting them fired and ruining their lives and reputations. I am happy to see these blue haired weirdos getting laid off en masse.


I hesitate to make any person in this age something to idolize, but Iā€™d say that of all of the people I only know thru the media, Musk impresses me about as much as anyone. I would say that I would rather have Musk hold my wallet than Trump. If I had Bill and Hillary hold it, Iā€™d consider my wallet lost.


Just remember what they did and what led up to this point in time.

This is the video that got Project Veritas Banned

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I like your optimism, but Iā€™m more inclined to think that weā€™re on the verge of a new dark age. Iā€™m very disheartened, the lying and propaganda is working.

Well just as I stated earlier, the left having a melt down because in reality their grip on controlling the narrative is slipping away a trend that has been slowly evolving. While I will concede that lying propaganda is not suddenly going to go away over night, however a lot more people are starting to tune out traditional sources to get their news, and its why the left is losing their collective minds over the recent development of twitter and the possibility of presenting two sides of a story in a objective manner, is what this is really about and what a true democracy is suppose to be; something Elon Musk truly believes in and what started the process of him acquiring the platform in the first place (1st Amendment).

The left, has for too long tried to strong arm their detractors without having to defend their arguments or ideas with merit. On the latter, its why progressive candidates are refusing to debate their opponents in various elections, its why progressives here are content to give each other likes and only converse with their own crowd, but very rarely have we seen any of them debate and defend their ideas in any meaningful dialogue. It is also why they resort to cheating in elections because they simply donā€™t know how to have a conversation, hell they canā€™t even talk amongst themselves without feeling the need to compete with each other before throwing the next of kin under the bus.

My last point is the 1st amendment is whats really at stake here, and until Musk came along nobody stepped up to defend it, especially members of the right. They just tolerated it and took it up the wazoo. While maybe not much will change with Twitter and how it conducts itself, what is certain to change is that conservative voices will no longer have to fear that they will be banned for having certain beliefs or expressing certain discourse and that is really whats refreshing in all of this.

Iā€™m not exactly sure that this is true. Free speech is at stake, but I donā€™t see a lot of recourse if thugs from the FBI, for instance, decide to intimidate people at twitter to shut down opinions (or people) that they donā€™t like. The first amendment says ā€œcongress shall make no lawā€ not that people in government canā€™t bully you around.

And letā€™s say that it does prohibit that? What recourse is there? I donā€™t know of any laws that could punish this behavior. Maybe you might sue for damages, but proving a case that you were silenced by shadowy men in black and it hurt you to the tune of $10 million seems like a difficult thing to do.

Then thereā€™s political operatives in companies that are part of the ā€œtown squareā€ who just do it on their own, seems like thereā€™s a lot of that going on. I like that Musk is fighting back against these people, but itā€™s like playing whack-a-mole. Then thereā€™s the certain retaliation Musk can expect - every liberal attorney general, and of course our federal DOJ, will put him under the microscope and try to let him know that heā€™s displeased the powers-that-be.

Good luck Elon, donā€™t expect much more help from Mitch McConnell. At the first sign of adversity, those weasels in the GOP will run and hide.

Yeaā€¦ I think Iā€™m feeling what your laying down.