I suspect black unemployment. Especially given that black unemployment has been consistently double that of white unemployment since th 1940s. Black unemployment has more room to fall. But of course there is no correlation to AA.
You can’t possibly show that to be true since AA is still in effect.
The BEST qualified. They shouldn’t even be considered if they are not qualified.
What if they are all equally qualified? Who should get the job? There are a number of subjective considerations in hiring decisions. It is a rare situation where the criteria of strictly objective.
Show what? AA having correlation to having low unemployment numbers?
There are plenty of successful black surgeons that don’t align with the policies of republicans
LOL- name one. Doctors who went through ten or twelve years of intensive training lose their tolerance for BOC’s Buffoons of Color and the patronizing SJW White Bwaanas who help POC, keep their dysfunctional ‘culture’.
The left wants to have ‘the rich’ mostly - pay reparations to people who are ‘kept down’ only by their own unwillingness to do what is required to function.
The cruel right says 'even if you were born to a self pitying race ho, you still need to finish school, and learn a trade of go to college - we’ll give you help, but we won’t subsidize failure- so work hard.
The ever so kind left says ‘yo mama was fully woke, and you be descended from kings and queens! If you never finish high school, it’s the fault of institutional racism; if you lead a life of crime and join a gang, it’s the fault of institutional racism; if you start making children at age 14, it’s the fault of - well you know…’ The left excuses every dysfunctional behavior with some idiocy like ‘critical race theory’ and ‘Whitelash’. Those on the left actually think they are doing good, and that anyone who questions enabling basketball sotted lives of disorganization is merely ‘Whitesplaining’ and ‘blinded by privilege’.
You tried to make the bar that I had to show white unemployment had gone up. That was a strawman.
Now you want to claim that minority UE falling farther and faster cannot be related to AA.
You are dishonest to your core.
Notice they always dismiss the possibility of personal failings and the concept of personal responsibility.
If you are a minority and living in poverty look at the decisions made by your parents and yourself.
There’s zero chance everyone’s resumee is the same unless they all got together and cooked one up.
Some people will have better, more, more varied, more specific experience and education to the job. Some will have better interpersonal skills. Some will do better on whatever tests you administer to prospective hires. Some will have better credit histories, some will have criminal history while others don’t.
Someone will always rise to the top.
You tried to make the bar that I had to show white unemployment had gone up. That was a strawman.
Now you want to claim that minority UE falling farther and faster cannot be related to AA.
You are dishonest to your core.
You don’t know the definition of straw man…
You keep making claims that white men are disadvantaged compared to minorities when it come to employment.
I’m have asked several times for data showing that white men are losing out to minorities. I even told you want type of data you could show to prove your point. You never proved anything.
Then YOU changed the question to who’s UE rate has fallen the fastest? I said like black unemployment because it has the most room to fall. I also said that there is no direct correlation with the low unemployment and AA. If you look at the data… black unemployment has been consistently double that of white unemployment. I would expect that gap to close over time after AA. But it hasn’t.
We are dealing with a difference in the diagnosis of cause, one that is ideologically driven.
After the end of slavery there were lots men there were dirt poor and ill educated all across the South, both white and black, and only a small percentage of either ever became wealthy. Blacks who did so did so amid racism to them that makes the “racism” that their descendants face (who have so few problems that they can find time to get upset about statues and Halloween costumes).
All of these men who made good have certain things in common, but chief among them is that they did something differently than the much larger group that stayed poor. The still poor, white or black, didn’t have to do anything special to remain that way, they just did what they’d always done, or what they’d always seen free whites do or seemingly do, and they just got by.
You or I see that racism, even the virulent old racism, couldn’t keep some men down nor could it give a high percentage of poor white people all across the Old South a leg up to success.
But the Left still uses the past as an excuse, their diagnosis of why blacks this or that, when one generation is really enough to break the bad habits that often keep people downtrodden.
What if they are all equally qualified? Who should get the job? There are a number of subjective considerations in hiring decisions. It is a rare situation where the criteria of strictly objective.
In that case, the job must go to a minority or woman applicant if there is one. It’s the law.
You keep making claims that white men are disadvantaged compared to minorities when it come to employment.
Im not speaking for TWR as he is capable of speaking for himself, as in white men are disadvantaged today for federal jobs, yes its true, companies that advocate diversity, is also true.
What data do you want ? do you really think there will be data that actually shows this? that would be suicide, but what the data does show that African american and Hispanic federal job hire are increasing at an alarming rate.
If you read between the lines, one minute they are saying African americans and hispanics have probems in education and needs help and the next minute they are being hired for jobs at the federal agencies , so which is it?
If the increase on the federal level jobs is increasing it means the qualified whites are not being hired or promoted, I did post a link regarding numbers at Federal agency which you convenient ignored.
I also posted a couple of law cases to prove my point in education
Slavery and Jim Crow literally prevented black people from working for a even a dime.
No it didn’t…
But the Left still uses the past as an excuse, their diagnosis of why blacks this or that, when one generation is really enough to break the bad habits that often keep people downtrodden.
Less than a generation. All it takes is someone who has a goal, a vision and is not afraid to achieve it.
That doesn’t mean money, a big house and the latest SUV.
It means…break away from victimhood and actually be free to enjoy your life, your family and friends.
I honestly don’t care that someone’s great-great grandmother was a slave. I suspect people who really do care about it would be combating the slavery that our open border enables… but oh hey…mums the word on that.
A claim which I never made in the first place.
The fact remains that AA by intent discriminates against white males in favor of the prescribed grievance groups. That’s the entire purpose of AA.
A claim which I never made in the first place.
I didnt claim you said it TWR
The fact remains that AA by intent discriminates against white males in favor of the prescribed grievance groups. That’s the entire purpose of AA.
The purpose of A.A isnt to discriminate against us whites, the Purpose of A.A was to level the playing field for the minorities and women.
The Policy was a bad idea from the get go, because of the unintended consequences which is discriminatory against whites
I cant remember which poster said this and I totally agree, if a company can find a minority or woman who is qualified but lives out of state and they are so poor that they cannot afford college , you pay for their education on the condition they work for you.
But you kill two birds with one stone, you have a minority or woman who is or has the potential and its helps them out of poverty.
Medical schools should be going to inner city high schools and recruiting the next Ben Carson’s , because they are out there, you just got to find them
I rather have the new generation of doctors qualified, even it means 1000 doctors, 800 white and the rest of the 200 black,hispanic, asian, Native American etc, that means they are qualified without lowering standards for filling quotas
The formula isn’t that hard.
Don’t make babies young and out of wedlock.
Stay sober/straight.
Stay out of jail.
Stay in school, get a HS degree then move on to get a college education or learn a trade/skill or some combination of all three.
Be willing to then start at the bottom, work hard, and have a good attitude.
Joining the military is another great way to go from nothing in one generation to the middle class and you can leave with a marketable skill and fantastic education benefits to go on with from there.
I know max, just playing off of what you were responding to and your reply.
It’s called “playing off of your ball”, it’s not an argument.
As for AA… .
There was no “leveling” of the playing field, the intent was to give the identified minority groups an advantage of white males by putting less qualified people in jobs and positions over them and denying those opportunities to white males on the basis of sex and race.
It is nothing but reverse discrimination that punishes people who aren’t and never were responsible for whatever discrimination people of prior generations suffered.
Another complete fabrication on her part.