Educate a Liberal 🤔

No they don’t. Morals are community standards, with the smallest community being a family unit.

You show me 10 homes, there will be 10 sets of moral standards, each differing from the others in some way.

Community moral standards are those generally accepted by members of that community based on emulating those of the community leaders.

Moral standards wax and wane depending on who’s in charge of the community.

We went through the Victorian era morality which was relaxed when Edward took over.

Compared to either of these era moral standards, today’s Hollywood moral standards are nearly nonexistent. Harvey Weinstein approves this message.

“Moral” and “ethical” standards change over time.
So do the concepts of God and God’s commandments which are nothing but reflections of human inner psyche.

Muslims are hundreds of years behind Christians, but eventually they will catch up.

So many colorful responses and not a single reply by the liberal that started the thread.

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If you look at his other posts, you won’t be surprised. He started some stupid “go fund me” thread to send a socialist overseas. He can hitchhike to Mexico and imagine that it’s Venezuela.

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Yeah, that’s basically the same thing I’m saying.

That is your opinion. I disagree. You have only what you can defend.

Having a right is by definition continuous whether you are denied the ability to exercise it or not.

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And they’re all behind…:wink:

And that is why our cities are shitholes to be avoided.

haha, you can say that again.
I guess religions are meant to make you backward and subservient.
It sure sounds like Karl Marx, but he himself practiced a satanic cult of sorts.

To me, liberalism and “global warming” are religions.

Yes, and they’re deep into the “punishing heresy” phase

As are evolution and atheism.

Any belief system is a religion.

While Zen Buddhism has promoted spiritual growth for some without any professed Creator God, Darwinism has been very detrimental to human psyche.

Dawkins is very good on where morality comes from in ‘the God delusion’.

You could read it.

Darwinism has been detrimental…? Evidence please.

Do you care to elaborate? BTW, I prefer God’s word and the evidence around me over Dawkins.

Well, if they called your mom and pop “apes,” how would you react?

Is such a theory (with no evidence or missing link) beneficial for you?

Such a theory (actually a hypothesis) is taught as “facts” in schools. Conspiracy much?

Pretty much agreed…

Well that’s just silly. Is conservatism a religion…:roll_eyes:

Lol, he’ll never do that. He may loose faith in the mythology.