Don Lemon: I’m under Attack by Trump Forces

Yeah, I don’t think that’s in the op…

LOL. That’s because Liberals are lying sacks of shit who spread fake news

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Yes, there’s anecdotal examples on the fringe of both sides.

Yet you can’t prove it with credible cited sources! Imagine that! (Sarcasm)

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That’s because like his mentor Trump. He can’t prevail in the debate so he resorts to personal attacks and insults, that’s what the far right does. Just look at this board, every post from the far right is an insult, jab or name calling. NOTHING of substance. :man_shrugging:

Nobody stoops to worse personal attacks and insults than that gonad gargling bitch Lemon.


Yet the facts show the left has been growing ever more violent since 2015.

Pull that redwood out of your own eye hero.

Extra points for BB reference!

Sense your one of the more civil posters on the right, how about calling off the insulting and name calling posters that you share positions with. The ones that show up every day to insult people, yet never post a cogent comment, hmm?

Stunningly nauseating hypocrisy rich post.

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Booo-hooooo , boooo-hoooooo , boooooooo-hooooooooooooo . :roll_eyes::partying_face:

There is nothing more insulting then the never-ending river of lies that YOU post.


I’m here for fun, for the “shits and giggles” … now for me that may extend to the odd veeery long posts (I’m due one soon) just as it may extend to attempts at comedy.

So I don’t put on airs or filter much, what you see is it, and it does make life easier when you’re consistent after all.

Aside: we’re working on the second generation who has no clue about why Rex Kramer’s walk through the terminal of Airplane is funny.

Yes, but there’s nothing like peer pressure. :wink:

Not for me. I frankly feel no desire to conform to any demands from so-called peers. I cannot be shamed or doxxed by the Left, especially if about the Gospel or Scripture. Over purely worldly concerns I’ve literally laughed in the faces of those who tried and ridiculed them for their efforts.

(I’m usually MUCH more evangelical when it’s a matter of faith)

One example involved a chick who thought to drag some of my posts over to FSTDT, that place where Brave widdle souls like to act like they’re telling people off who aren’t even there.

Once I noticed I followed the links back to the posts cited and put in a reply to that post somewhat boasting that I’d been considered worthy to expose to be their mocking.

Haven’t been cited by her since.

That’s pretty much the opposite of what I was talking about.

Well, there is nothing to peer pressure for me.

It’s like threatening to take away my daily glass of chocolate buttermilk.

(I don’t actually drink that. But once as a child I had one of those I like both of these moments.)

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I’m not, I’m equating violence and harassment from the left with that from the right. :wink: