Don Lemon: I’m under Attack by Trump Forces

Are you ok with that? Are you celebrating it. Or do you consider it a violation for an American to be treated that way for their political views?

A violation of what exactly? Freedom of Speech does not grant one immunity from criticism for that speech.

Lemon makes a living spreading hate and lies and that naturally has come back to haunt him.

I wanted to find a different clip where he corrects the pronounciation and says it’s French but this was all I could find.

I’m not advocating violence against Leh-Mon … just using the clip I found:

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Some hot chick who can probably beat your ass up!

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There is nothing like a good old-fashioned false equivalence

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Really, what’s the difference? A bunch of assholes with nothing better to do then hassle a political pundit and his family…:man_shrugging:

What events? Are you talking about chanting “lock her up” or chants of USA, USA, USA!! In fact it was Trump supporters who were attacked at his rallies, a woman spat upon and a 14 old boy, who attended with his father and got separated by the attacking mob, was chased down the street where police did next to nothing to protect citizens from the vicious anti-Trump mobs.

As I said the liberal media and the liberal anti-Trump mobs can dish it out but can’t take it. The cry babies can cry me a river and drown in their own tears.

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Well that’s the point, they BOTH do it. Stop being so partisan.

Stop being so partisan? That clearly is what you are in all the arguments you make here! Hypocrisy much ?

How is Don Lemon seeking to destroy society. In fact, how can a pundit even do so???

It’s called “propaganda”. Buy a dictionary and open a history book.

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You’re too STUPID to grasp the answer.


There can be none more violent than the left ! Campuses across the USA will not allow free speech . ■■■ Lemon is a Trump troll .

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That could be mistaken…

Nope, I agreed with that. Too bad that Trump was insincere about it and was just using his rally supporters to whip up votes. :man_shrugging:

Then you try and find the clip where he corrects the other guy and says his name big-boo-tay and is French.

There is no question that Hillary committed a federal crime. Hence the cries to Lock Her Up. The real question is: Why did Lying Comey not prosecute her for her crime.

The crime: Destroying public documents while under Congressional subpoena. The fact that she did this is not even in question. The fact that corrupt Comey did not recommend prosecution speaks more to Comey’s corruption than anything else.

Cries to LOCK HER UP were totally appropriate.

Trump on the other hand has committed NO crime at all.

Leftwing liars (like monecresto) who try to compare the two are just that: LIARS


I understand Lemon was accosted by masked men with MAGA caps, who poured bleach on him and put a noose around his neck.

Go to any liberal leaning forum and you’ll find that they claim the violence is all on the right just like the righties here claim it’s all on the left. Where as the center, the majority of Americans can see that the the violence and nastiness is on BOTH fringes.