Let’s take a stroll back through history and see how our history changes without churches pushing political views on parishioners has worked out for the US shall we?
Working backwards.
No civil rights movement.
No end to slavery.
No underground railroad.
No American Revolution.
It always shows their hypocrisy when we see them going after churches with primarily a conservative message while always ignoring those with leftwing or extremely radical leftwing message.
No, I’m simply not making things up to bash Christians.
As much as the papacy would like us to believe the Catholic Church is not representative of all Christianity, they are in fact a minority among Christianity today.
Guilt existed and exists outside of an religious influence.
Burning at the stake has been quite popular throughout history long before Christianity even first arose. It’s as old as the idea of torture itself.
I’m fine with no gay pride.
Children are molested by people of every faith and by people of no faith at all.
How about we stick with the facts and can the christian bashing?
My greatest honor would be I am on the list of enemies to the DNC, I would not only celebrate the feat I would gladly share the accomplishment with everyone on social media.
The 18th century BC law code promulgated by Babylonian king Hammurabi specifies several crimes in which death by burning was thought appropriate. Looters of houses on fire could be cast into the flames, and priestesses who abandoned cloisters and began frequenting inns and taverns could also be punished by being burnt alive. Furthermore, a man who began committing incest with his mother after the death of his father could be ordered by courts to be burned alive.[2]