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“History” is “recorded history” and there’s very little written history prior to Ancient Babylon and Egypt.

Natural history is of things that existed prior to man. Recorded history is what came after the invention of writing…in Mesopotamia. Writing spread to Egypt.

This is now two threads in which you insist upon arguing off topic issues. What don’t you start a thread titled “Debate with TWR…Any Topic Will Do” ???


No, you started the argument trying to argue over the meaning of “history”.

natural history


Definition of natural history

1 : a treatise on some aspect of nature

2 : the natural development of something (such as an organism or disease) over a period of time

3 : the study of natural objects especially in the field from an amateur or popular point of view

Check yourself there hotrod.

Go derail some other thread.

I haven’t derailed anything. Check your mirror.

And you think this proves what? Out of an average of around 440,000 catholic priests at any given time what percentage of them are molesting kids?

Again, catholics are a minority among dozens of major and thousands of minor denominations so they certainly are not representative of all of christianity.

My God ! One priest would be too many !!! Priests are suppose to have a "higher calling " and the trust level is beyond that of every professional . The most disturbing aspect is the church KNEW , TRANSFERED , HID , AND WAS COMPLICIT AT EVERY STEP !!! Money donated for charity causes went to families of those abused witch should sicken every worshiper .


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