Denver says all residents must be home by 10 p.m. to curb the spread of COVID-19

Curfew for adults, mommy government may tell the laughable population in Denver thy must b in bed by 11PM next.

Denver says all residents must be home by 10 p.m. to curb the spread of COVID-19
Mayor Michael Hancock joins Gov. Jared Polis for a press conference about a statewide mask order. July 16, 2020. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
As coronavirus cases in Denver continue to rise, Mayor Hancock has announced a ‘Home by 10’ order for Denver residents.

The order, which Hancock stopped short of calling a curfew, begins Sunday, Nov. 8 and will be in effect for 30 days.

The announcement briefing comes a day after Gov. Jared Polis pleaded with Coloradans to take action as COVID-19 hit new records for infections and hospitalizations.

“This is an intervention," Polis said Thursday. "Cancel your social plans the next few weeks, avoid interacting with others, wear a mask, keep your distance, let’s get through this.”

Thanksgiving has been cancelled until next year, so says the dictator Polis.

Oh yeah…and how are they going to make that happen?

Up to 999.00 fine…

Is this a de facto martial law being instituted?

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You will obey!

The new order will restrict nighttime business hours, particularly for bars, clubs and restaurants. It also urges residents to be in their own homes by 10 p.m., and avoid gathering or mixing with other households.

Mayor Hancock acknowledged that some might call it a curfew, but said “that’s not how we are characterizing it.”

Hancock explained that the city is restricting hours where alcohol can be consumed because people are likely to be less careful about wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

“People become less careful, less inhibited the more they drink.”

The Home by 10 order does include exemptions for critical businesses, people traveling to and from work.

Violators could face a $999 fine and 300 days in jail, but officials said they expect a high level of compliance and hope to do a minimal level of enforcement.

Prohibits public and private gatherings excluding immediate family.

The whole concept of treating adults like children is pretty revolting.

Now that they have Biden, I’m sure this type of restriction on freedom will become more prevalent.


Did they get to you? :rofl:

If they had, I would have said “we”. I’ve been here long enough that you know better than that, my friend.

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It appears the left is incapable of making good decisions and require their leaders to tell what to do

Seems to have begun during the Obama years and has accelerated

Their plan was to control both houses including the presidency! Now they exposed themselves and it’s looking pretty bad for them right now!

That’s what happens when kids are raised in daycare and an educational system built by the left.

BTW, I’m pretty proud of the Cubans in Florida rallying for Trump. They are a tight knit group that have strong family ties. They are not too far removed to remember why they fled Cuba.

Just a thought for consideration. Biden wants to open the floodgates to illegals.

What are the illegals fleeing?

Might just backfire immensely on the democrat party. :thinking:

Pelosi is livid that we gained seats in the House and looks like we will keep a majority in the Senate.

Add to that all of the Federal judges seated and 3 seats on the Supreme Court.

All in all things are not looking as dismal as they could :woman_shrugging:

True! Those seats gained, a majority of them are women too! We are not out of the woods yet with Loffler and Purdue going to runoffs.

No… but was there a blue wave? I like what I see trending.

Well it’s does set up 2022 where Democrats will get murdered no matter who is in the White House. My point is the big club of RINOS is what allowed this mess to happen, so they will need to be rooted out! Trump wanting to pull out of the Middle East is also extremely upsetting to some, ending endless cycles of war that is a major cash cow for some is the real motive they didn’t want Trump to win.

Th blue wave was in the pacific didn’t make landfall.

Record number of minorities voted for trump in this election.

That in itself brings the thought of voting fraud to the front.

And? Not only has the “blue wave” been rejected but the RHINO’s are starting to be as well.

I believe what we are seeing is a reaction to the extreme left with counter balance on the right.

Well, I have ETA knocking on my door today. Good movie day with lots of blankies :joy:

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I’m thinking that is a good thing.

Not sure I follow?

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