Denver says all residents must be home by 10 p.m. to curb the spread of COVID-19

Trump won the last election.

Assuming Americans pretty much voted the same way. Some wouldn’t vote for him again others that didn’t;t would vote for him this time.

Record number of minorities voted for trump.

Trump’s approval numbers rivaled Obama’s before his second term.

The logic says that Trump should have won however something in the numbers seems a bit off.

I’m in Central Iowa today and the weather is great.

Well, yes. There is that.

My point is Biden thinks that illegals are going to keep the democrats in power.

However, they are fleeing socialism.

This may not turn out to be what the libs think it is. Imagine those immigrants negating every spoiled brat American leftie vote.

Might be a great thing for the Republican party to mentor.

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Why aren’t residents out in force resisting their local government? Oh, because they are scared cucks that won’t do shit. If they are going to sit there and take it then they deserve it.

Here’s a really easy solution for the citizens of Denver. j
Just go about your business like you normally would. Problem solved.

No because they are for the most part progressive liberals.

allow the leader.