Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇


White hats did Nashville?
Very interesting.
Simon Parkes update 12-27

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I hope the “Deal” is voted against, fishing is a sell out and it appears there is a clause whereby EU can interfere if for example it appears we can undercut them on other deals, that to me looks like they will still have a say on how competitive we can be. I’m not a lawyer and there is a lot of BS to get through. It appears safer to vote it down and just leave on WTO and then wait for them to come begging for a trade deal after the fact.

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Is it an advantage or disadvantage?

You missed the picture.

I see it.
Question is, do you want other people to see you blush?

There is an interesting reference in here to the Federal Res managers and how they are all connected to the Jesuits(starts @16) I always thought Trump knew who the real enemies were - looks like he might be going after them

Sounds interesting. I need to watch this.
Nonetheless, you know who founded the Jesuit Order, right?
The usual culprits.

And the Spanish Inquisition, so-called, wasn’t what the school textbooks say.

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I wonder if I can train myself to blush…

Some languages do have such expressions as “red face” for embarrassment while some languages may not, just like they don’t have a word for snow.

I point out, however, that the common notion that the Eskimo (or Inuit) language has several words for snow is not correct, according to linguists.

You can discern when ‘coloured’ people blush. The only really difficult ones are people who are as black as Robert Mugabe (was).

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The latest mischief from the UK parliament…

This is a strange video a friend sent to me.
The man with the accent (a Jooish guy from New York?) supposedly died last year prior to the pandemic 2020, but what he was saying makes perfect sense and is becoming a reality now.

Yes, millions of Americans are waking up to the true nature of Zionism (NWO) but are still outnumbered by sleepers who probably will never wake up.

Therefore, I’m posting the video here.


Winter of 2020/21 is where we are now…

Told ya Trump knows…Not sure I believe what is in the vid.
I still think Trumpis one of the good guys - hope I’m right
Goldberg is dead - just cohencidence?

I didn’t get full details, except that it seems the rabbis were going to deliver for Trump a reelection victory if he did things they were asking.

3 post rule

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Is General Wesley Clark still alive …?

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