Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

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Not only that, people behave like infants.
It’s insane that people believe everything guys in white say.

We still live in the Middle Ages.
At last the vast majority of “us”.

There is no evidence that Homo sapiens “evolved” from the apes.
Or mammals evolved from bacteria and amoeba.

It’s quiet stateside in the last couple of days.
Simon Parkes also said December would be quiet.
No major development, except the fake electoral college voting on Monday.

I guess we have to wait until January for Trump to go on the offensive and he has plenty of ammunition.

What a world hey Didge !! One thing there is definitely evidence of…2020 Election Fraud !! :grin:

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That’s true. And epic.

I don’t know the statistics but I wonder how many Americans believe the election was legit.

Could be in this ratio ?

This is a what if vid…

The number for Biden is highly inflated no doubt.

80% of Australia’s population live within 50 km from the coast. (It’s all the more amazing, given cities like Sydney and Melbourne extend beyond 50 km)

Octopus and a few other life forms use copper-based blood, which is blue.

It is a big stretch to link copper-based and iron-based life forms

The various forms of life on earth exist because there is life on earth. Think about that for a moment. There are life forms which thrive in the volcanic vents on the floor of the oceans, take them away from the vents and they die. Scientists point to the cow and ask “how can that be an accident?” The reality is that life is a continually changing phenomenon, a bit like a virus, it mutates from time to time.

The weird examples such as herbivores with no teeth do not survive and we never hear about them. The other examples such as herbivores with extra long horns and a dose of bravery and determination turn out to be an improvement and outlast the previous version which lacked those features.

On the subject of herbivores … they can only survive because lichens spent millions of years converting the CO2 in the atmosphere to Oxygen and other non-gaseous products. If that had not happened none of us would be here.

So that is the origin of any species. It is not that a perceived need was addressed by modifying a life-form to adapt, it is that a chance modification turned out to be beneficial to a life-form in its environment and thus it thrived.

… because it did. The only things on earth that did not evolve on earth have only just arrived.

I have been beating around the bush, but you said it for me.



Gitmo is full - thousands have been arrested - wish Charlie would stop playing the god card

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Simon Parkes mentioned some weeks ago that there was a spike in military flights to Gitmo. (That was already in November, I think.)

Yep, I sure hope thousands and thousands of criminals get arrested, including Biden (both of them) and Hillary.

But as you say, still waters run deep. Probably it’s part of Trump strategy to keep this matter quiet for the time being.

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Parkes said December will be COLD and January will be HOT.

Chances are, all kinds of events, including armed clashes, happen during hot January.
It will be a good idea to buy enough food for a few weeks.


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If a bearded woman says so, it ought to be true.

Where is “she” at?
Not living in the mansion by the sea?

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