Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Take care Stu

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Thanks mate. That one was Thursday night. I didn’t actually get there today after all as my Daughter needed some rush jobs on her motor as it failed MOT this morning. So had to get some parts sharpish and get the spanners out. :roll_eyes:
But I will be back out again soon !! More and more places are getting involved and it’s great to see it’s not just the capital were people are pissed off. I think there was/is one in Brighton today/tomorrow and definitely one in Hull today. People power !! :muscle: :muscle:

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It’s a psyop by the enemy of America.

Many Americans are already convinced that Trump was defeated because their TV says so.

And these Americans refuse to realize that the MSM is (the major part of) America’s enemy.

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Mind inviting this


lady to the Rabbit Hole?

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I thought lucy sound more like a luke.
my inner voice: (Wondering if Didge is getting bated?..)

I don’t know who luke is.
I had some message exchanges with her and she sounds legit.


Not sure if this is old news or not - you may have already seen it or it might be a new incident

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If a measure of being a banana republic is the level of corruption, then surely the US must be among the trail blazers now heading into unchartered territory.

Sure, Biden did get a lot of genuine votes and it shocks me how many did vote for the senile old fart. Does he not believe in open borders and makes Hillary look right wing? Are Americans actually looking at policy or is it driven by a mass hysterical dislike of Trump, the person? From here, it looks like the US is a nation of emotional incontinents, screeching libtards who would cheat by whatever dirty means. If Trump does fail, and by all accounts he’s been written off, the US is finished.

My 9 year old and her class mates had a discussion about the US election. Every single one of them said they would vote for Trump, lol. There is an American boy in her class and he said his parents voted Trump. :smile::wink:


Pretty much manufactured by the MSM

That’s no different from the time when George W Bush went on a killing spree in Iraq and Afghanistan. That time, it was the “patriots” who supported this despicable Zionist’s wars.

Millions of innocent people dead.
This time, millions of Americans will die under Biden/Harris.

It’s circulated already but it doesn’t hurt for it to go round again !

Jim shares some interesting numbers here.

It looks like Sky news Australia are prepared to show the issues with US election fraud.

Thankfully it looks like a lot more turned out yesterday than the idiots in the queue for testing.

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You posted it 3 days ago. Still, a good reminder that the government, with the aid of the corrupt health ministries and the MSM are pulling the wool over the people’s eyes.


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£31k !!
That’s British for you. In the US it would have been $31m