Creepy Joe Biden at it AGAIN ! CNN and MSNBC ignore reports
Can you recall the Brett Kavanaugh hearings were dems filed 83 ethics complaints ? CNN and MSNBC were on it 24/7 for weeks . And now creepy Biden is accused and we get crickets !
Where are these “ finders of fact “ ? How long will CNN and MSNBC run interference for the corrupt dems ?
“As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. ‘Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?’” Flores recalled. “I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it… ‘Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?’ He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused.”
Lucy Flores: Joe Biden Can’t Recall Kissing Incident Because He’s ‘So Used to Behaving’ That Way .
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Ugg. He makes my skin crawl.


They certainly didn’t ignore 35 year old unsubstantiated allegations against Kavanaugh.

There’s photographic evidence of Uncle Joe palming women and young girls yet the protective forces of bias, fake news media are at play 24/7 when it comes to the liberal side of life.

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What even happened to true journalism ? :grimacing:

If this perv acts this way in the public eye can you even imagine what he does in private ? :astonished::open_mouth:

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Looks like it is okay because he gets his jollies in front of a crowd and cameras while everyone has a smile plastered to their faces. :roll_eyes:

The hands on the shoulders thing is really telling. Clearly Dems could not care less about women. Their fake concern is always simply a political target of opportunity.

This guy has a real groping problem. With everyone getting the #metoo treatment how the heck did this creepy old pervert get away without a single accusation?

Democrats , hypocrites ,and true privilege ! :rage:

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If those lib women had any integrity, they would smack the shit out of him the moment they felt his hands on them… even at a public event.


They DON’T !!!
Have you seen any of those Hollywood reptiles come out yet ? Where is those Women day marchers ? Where is that "nasty women " yelling in that megaphone ? Where is he-man hairy Rosie O ??? No CNN , NO MSNBC , NO Cuomo ,Lemon , Anderson , No Hillary , Schumer , Nancy , pencil neck Schiff , No DNC , where the f*** are they NOW ???

“not once — never — did I believe I acted inappropriately.” We get that Joe , that’s why you are a CHILD MOLESTER and a PERVERT !!!

Honestly, in a setting like that if you did that people would look at YOU like you are the crazy one.

That is why Joe gets away with it.

I would like to see a woman carefully and calmly remove his hands, turn to him and say, “you are being inappropriate”, then move on as if nothing more about him was worth her time or attention.

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In a statement on Sunday, Biden said it was never his intention to make women feel discomfort and if he did so, “I will listen respectfully.”

As he said it today, maybe it’s an April Fools Joke.

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I suppose you are right. And I will modify my post earlier… the hands on shoulders is arrogant and controlling… not creepy. It’s the nuzzling that is creepy.

“Creepy” is not a strong enough word for this guy.