Cosmic Impacts and Earth's Climate

IF youu’re really inteested in the Younger Dryas Impact theory this guy has an nteresting series of videos on the subject.

The Egyptians paid part of their taxes in labor.

Now, I’ve pointed out that if you’re a wicked ruler you could make certain folks cubit officially smaller than everyone elses’ and voila they own “more” land and owe more labor to the state.

That aside consider the advantages of such a tax: can’t run deficits to buy reelection and you could build whatever walls you felt you needed. That and a population that knew how to used tools vs one where many Millennials don’t think they can change a light bulb.

That and slaves were used as trade goods and currency when dealing with other states. Add to that all of those captures throughout the empire in wars and revolts and you have a near endless supply of labor as long as you can feed them.

The rest of the taxes were paid in food…

That’s more like it. Ever seen someone do more than just cut a couple of centimeters into a stone with the Egyptology-proposed hypotheses? I have. It took hours, not minutes.

I’ve seen his wideos. He seems to get most of his stuff from Randal Carlson.

Yep I have. There was a professor many years ago that constructed a scale model pyramid about 30’ high using nothing but manual labor and similar hand tools. It was supposed to be done in a month and it took years instead. If I remember right they even scaled it back from a 90’ planned pyramid to the smaller one to get past the time constraints.

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I believe that a micro nova was more likely.
Evidenced by melted stone on megalithic structures in Peru and Tanis, Egypt.
Both facing East, toward a rising Sun.
It could also be an electrical discharge from a massive current flow between Earth and Sun grounding itself.

BTW… what’s with the US/Israeli symbolism in your avatar? Are you a Zionist?
Evidence shows that Israel is the worst enemy of the US people.

There’s absolutely zero actual “evidence” supporting such a claim.

Robert M. Schoch: Research Highlights

Solar-Induced Dark Age (SIDA)

I think Dr. Schoch was the first to bring the SIDA hypothesis into the mix. He makes a great presentation on what he’s attempting to convey, and I like a lot of the ideas he has.

However, the physical evidence in support of a celestial impact is a mountain, and the SIDA is a mole hill.

The best I can add to SIDA would be that it’s possible that a large enough chunk of Encke (up to 100 mi in diameter when it entered the solar system ~30,000 years ago), may have impacted the sun, causing a massive outburst of electromagnetic fits. Other than that, this isn’t the type of thing that our Sun has been observed to do.

Rocks hitting the Earth? Happens all the time. Ask Russia.

More than a 100 tons of it a day …

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And a two-part stream that directly intersects our orbital plane - the Taurids, remnants of Comet Encke/Lucifer’s havoc on the solar system.

However, I thought it was clear enough that I was referring to significant impacts. :wink:

I’ve seen countless interviews with credible Astronomers who all agree that there is a 100% probability that we’ll have another extinction level impact. All that remains unsure is when.

We have significant impacts pretty often on a timeline of every few hundred years at most and probably once a century if not more on average.

The one thing we have going for us is that the older our system gets the fewer major asteroids and comets there are to threaten us because each time there’s an impact with a planet or moon in our system that’s one less that could potentially find it’s way here eventually.

The big “unkown” is the asteroid belt because collisions within it can expel large asteroids at any time on any trajectory.

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Graham Hancock recently returned for another podcast on the Joe Rogan show. It’s episode #1284 if anyone wants to check it out. Here’s an excerpt about the fragility of our current situation and the implications of another celestial event.

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I forgot about this mission. Thanks for tonight’s lamp-side reading.

You nudged me to check for an updated intercept plan. Still looking.

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Graham is a nutt but I used to really enjoy it when he was on the Art Bell Show. I was hauling milk to Houston five days a week back then and needed something nutty and thought provoking enough to keep me awake all night because it was a 520mi round trip mostly in the dark.

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Art Bell was a life saver when my brother and I were hauling lime. It didn’t take me long back then to realize that every single political talk show was almost a complete copy of the show that aired before it.

Back in that Era Sean, Rush, and a couple of the local political talk shows in San Antonio and Houston were really worth listening to.

At night I loved to listen to “The Black Avenger” and Art Bell. I didn’t buy half the crap they were promoting on AB’s show but it was always good to keep me awake.

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