Cortez, the Village Idiot- Update

Yes. Trump can’t spell or talk in complete sentences. He makes up words like “bigly”. He says nobody knows technology better than me, but doesn’t know how to use a computer. He consistently gets history wrong. He doesn’t know the constitution.

I searched the internet far and wide for her titties flopping around…sadly I couldn’t find em.

I bet they’re nice thou.

Yet somehow he manages not to violate it, unlike Obongo.

Taking guns without due process? Who advocated for that? Removing Birthright citizenship?

And how fast did it take for him to do 180?

That’s right…within minutes. :wink:

And crazy women are absolutely…

…whoops… NM.

Ummm… yeah, she’s no doubt devoted herself to academic study and pure thoughts. No justice, no titties.

I’m see waiting on some sex vid to come out. :wink:

Taking all guns away from everyone except those who are paid to carry them is unconstitutional. Taking all guns away from criminals is impossible.

I know one that is a genius.

Wrong again, dunderhead! bigly

However, although bigly was in use from about 1400 to the early 1900s, it never quite caught on in English, perhaps because the adjective big also quite adequately functions as an adverb: to win big. bigly-mean-trump-has-confused

In any case, “bigly” doesn’t mean anything to most human beings. According to Merriam Webster, though, “bigly” is a word.

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Thank you. Looks like it is a word.

What about confefe?

Neither of which has even begun, much less done. Trump runs his mouth; worry about what he does, not what he says.

Lemme aks you something? Do you whine about other inventions made within our English language?
Do you whine when words like “man” are used to describe a woman? Or vice versa? Or does your Merriam-Webster dictionary only come out when Trump writes or speaks?

Confefe is the least of our problems, Hashtag.

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Not sure how that relates to my post but that’s about like saying “Water is wet”. :smiley:

Didn’t Al Gore predict the world was going to end by now due to global warming?


Yeah - but Occasional-Cortex needed to update the plan to 12 years. That’s enough time for her to bilk the government out of millions of dollars and buy herself some nice coastal property.

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Good thing the dems don’t criticize fear tactics and use them when it’s conevnient.


Ha - when the use fear tactics on the opposition they scream “facts” followed by “racist” without proof of either.

Yes, yes he did. That it didn’t is an inconvenient truth … at least with those who aren’t sniffing the AGW glue.