Cortez, the Village Idiot- Update

AOC gave us a 12 year reprieve. :sunglasses:

It’s covfefe. There’s no “n”.

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Plus 10 points for that one. Haven’t heard it in years.

She’s pretty much proven she is ill informed on just about every topic.

It’s way the media love her, they can appareled smarter than her.

Doesn’t know the constitution? Has he tried to tell everyone he gets to decide when congress is and isn’t in session?

You can argue that it’s a responsibility that society ought to provide and that it is obligatory to do so. Don’t argue it’s a right though because that just doesn’t sound coherent.


And she’s teachable. Being young she doesn’t realize they are grooming her. It’s what I call mental molestation.


The subject of the thread is Cortez. Why even mention Trump? Save that for a Trump thread. Try to focus.
If you want to defend Cortez you have your work cut out for you.
Help me with these.

The Constitution:
Cortez told us there are three chambers of congress.
She later corrected that: "Uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House.”
Where is that in the constitution?


Chambers? Are those like in a gun?

Government has branches, like a tree.
Of those branches, there are three. Legislative: those who make the laws, Executive: those who enforce and execute the laws,
and Judicial: those who adjudicate disputes arising under the laws.

I learned this stuff in middle school. What gives with our government employees not knowing this?


As with all Libtards, the make it up as they are going along and expect you to take it as gospel


Well obviously it’s changed since middle school. Congress used to actually write the laws. Now lobbyists write most of them. Congress has delegated a lot of their enumerated powers to the other two branches or elsewhere. Probably due to them spending so much of their time and energy on things they were never meant to be in charge of.


Makes her potentially a perfect Democrat Congresscritter: a moral swamp of socialist platitudes that will be swayed by whatever charming lobbyiest to come along wanting something that they can make SOUND Left wing.

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This topic has nothing to do with trump

Stay on topic

I am. I think you meant that for Pragmatic.


There are two chambers of Congress. Both are load with blanks…thanks to election of idiots like Cortez.


He’s not the one drifting off topic with “what about the other guy”.


At one time they were referred to as branches

How time changes

Comforting to see you haven’t changed.
The hate is still paramount in your life

The 3 branches are Executive, Legislative and Judicial

The 2 Chambers refer to Congress, the Legislative Branch

Congress is divided into two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is sometimes called the upper chamber and the House the lower chamber because the Founders thought that different sorts of people would be elected to these two bodies.

Cortez doesn’t belong in either of them.


She belongs in a padded chamber. :wink: