Cortez, the Village Idiot- Update

A coalition of fringe movements that will get beaten into the ground by the establishment and who will only resonate with a fraction of the American population. Let’s hope for this to come to fruition. I want to see the DNC cannibalize itself fully.

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Ah, but the “establishment” core of the DNC are basically criminals (at least when it comes to election laws, pay for play, and other such issues). They only ultimately care if the others play ball to make them richer … and exactly when has any real Socialist in government ever been against increasing the wealth and power of those running the government?



I disagree. She’s really low IQ stupid. She’s the real deal- dumber than a box of rocks.

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Unfortunately it’s called free speech. If you read the site rules it’s very specific.

As to Cortez she’s beyond annoying, the media darling, she lies more than Trump so much tat WaPo fact checkers have acknowledged she is loose at best with her facts. A first term member of congress, little experience, seems little common sense and believes she speaks for the entire country.
As a side note, she has no politics just bloviating nonsense and the media loves it.

Is the right to defend yourself and your family from harm a “natural right”? The right to keep and bear arms goes hand in hand with the right to defend yourself and your loved ones from harm.

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Here’s the difference. I can drink from a stream. I can find shelter on my own or build something on my own. I can hunt and eat without assistance. Healthcare requires someone else to assist me. Once you introduce required action from a third party, it’s no longer a right, it’s a service. Do you have the right to hire someone to provide a service? Of course but when you require that I treat you, it’s now called slavery.


Well, you can always sign back in as BiggestAl and nobody will know the difference. :wink:


The only responsibility our government has to its citizens is to be frugal with their money and do what they’re told. Government doesn’t have responsibility, people do. It’s your responsibility to care for your kids and yourself. When you shift that duty to government, you shift it to me and that’s not only immoral, it’s dangerous. You get someone to dip their hand in my pocket for your benefit. That’s called theft. If we all contribute to things like defense and roads, they benefit society as a whole, that’s a legitimate function of government per our Constitution.

There’s just a huge difference and it’s a simple line: Paying for police to enforce laws in the community? Ok. Paying for a body guard to protect ONLY ME… Not ok.

I’m president of our HOA.

Like the government we have no money, only the money we take from the homeowners.

Like the government we can only spend the money taken and use it as the declarations and the rules and regulations specify.

Unlike the government we are held accountable for what we spend. The government can only spend the money they take from us and spend it as specified by the constitution and bill of rights. Unfortunately the spending rules of the federal Government hav been expanded to whatever they want to spend and what ever they want to spend it on.

One day the rules for spending by the Federal government will again become important. That day is coming sooner than later, 22 trillion in debt and climbing. Over half of government spending on 2 entitlements. 2/3rds of government spending is mandated by law and can only be changed by congress. The deficit even in good times approaching 1 trillion a year thanks to congress.

The fun is about to begin and single payer healthcare for all and the costs will not be in the equation.

Ocasio-Cortez Attacks WaPo Fact Checker After Receiving ‘Three Pinocchios’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / Getty

BY: Cameron Cawthorne
January 24, 2019 5:52 pm

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) on Thursday slammed Glenn Kessler, a columnist for the Washington Post ‘s “Fact Checker,” after he gave her a “Three Pinocchio” rating.

Kessler published a fact check Thursday morning in response to Ocasio-Cortez’s comments earlier in the week about minimum wage and a living wage. He rated it false, but Ocasio-Cortez blasted the research he used in the fact check.

“If the point of fact-checking is to enforce some objective standard, why would @GlennKesslerWP use a Walmart-funded think tank as reference material for wage fairness?” Ocasio- Cortez tweeted. “That’s like citing the foxes to fact-check the hens.”

The author of the study that Ocasio-Cortez implied was corrupted by corporations is former President Obama’s chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Jason Furman. Kessler pointed this out in a pair of reply tweets that added further information.

“He’s someone I have known for 20+ years and he is simply citing some basic economics. I included the link only because his discussion of the economics was detailed and thorough,” Kessler tweeted. “He also included some caveats which were too complex to include in that section of the fact check. So I included the link so readers could learn more. But focus on the author — who in his time in govt spent a lot time on addressing income inequality.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s original statement came during a discussion with progressive author Ta-Nehisi Coates.

“I think it’s wrong that a vast majority of the country doesn’t make a living wage, I think it’s wrong that you can work 100 hours and not feed your kids. I think it’s wrong that corporations like Walmart and Amazon can get paid by the government, essentially experience a wealth transfer from the public, for paying people less than a minimum wage,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Kessler argued this was false:

The Post first looked at Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that “a vast majority of the country doesn’t make a living wage.” Acknowledging that the answer to this question is “not easily found,” the fact check concluded “Ocasio-Cortez would have been fine if she had said ‘more than a third’ or even ‘almost half.'” She was wrong, however, to suggest “a vast majority” of Americans do not make a living wage.

As for Ocasio-Cortez’s talk about corporations experiencing a wealth transfer from the public for paying people less than a minimum wage, the Post said this is where the congresswoman “starts to go off the rails.” Both Walmart and Amazon, which she cites, pay employees more than the minimum wage.

This isn’t the first time that Ocasio-Cortez has criticized Kessler or fact checkers. Earlier this month, she targeted the Post and Politifact, saying “false equivalency [and] bias creeps in” to their fact checks of her. She also went after Politifact for giving officials’ statements “true” ratings frequently, naming Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D., N.Y.) as an example.

Sometimes I wish they would pass single payer so we could go bankrupt and hit the reset button. I have plenty of ammo. :wink:

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It wouldn’t;t take long. The only problem is they would lay the entire cost on the 50% of Americans paying taxes today and the illegals would also be covered.

^^^^Truer words never spoken.

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Our new ChiCom masters wouldn’t be very forgiving…

Sounds like Bernie :thinking:

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How many dumber than a box of rocks who can vote outweigh one informed voter?

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I can kind of see your point. I’m not thrilled with vulgarity either.

However, it is Freedom of Speech. You may not like it. I may not like it.

However, what I like less is censorship.

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Bernie’s never held political office? :thinking: