Same with heath care. So what’s your beef?
Most of us pay for water via public utilities.
We pay for food and shelter from our earnings. These are not the responsibilities of an organized society, but the responsibilities of the individual.
MRI machines don’t keep us healthy. We all have access to MRI machines if we need one, you just have to be able to pay for it (unless it is an ER situation and you have no insurance).
There is quite a difference between agreeing to be governed and the role of the government which is to protect freedom - not take it away. By saying we agree to be governed, you give away not only your freedom but put mine at risk as well.
Lost love can cause people to kill themselves… or others. That’s how essential it is to some. Maybe Obama should have provided ObamaMates instead of just ObamaPhones.
It’s a right… right?

I was speaking generally about government and my belief that heath care is a basic right.
Who has removed the right of healthcare from anyone, even from illegals? All they have to do is present themselves to an emergency room and they will be taken care of.

Donald Trump agrees with me and claimed the government would pay for it.
The government produces no revenue. The taxpayers foot the bill.
As a taxpayer (yes, I write a substantial check every year) I don’t want my healthcare choices placed in the hands of a bureaucrat who doesn’t have the first inkling of the difference between a virus and bacteria.
You may want healthcare dumbed down into human beings being rubber stamped by government bureaucrats, but I believe in the free market system where the best systems thrive and those that don’t fail.
The government doesn’t pay for anything. The government doesn’t create anything of value to produce revenue. The government takes.
Is the right to keep and bear arms a basic right?
Government is not daddy, it’s mama. It has tits.
That Medicaid doesn’t handle working americans who make too much to qualify and make too little to afford insurance.
BTW, the number of uninsured americans is on the rise again.
What about the millions who don’t have insurance?
You’re not serious are you?
What about the addressing my post with an answer, not a question.
You didn’t ask a question.
No I did not ask a question in my post.
Yet, you chose to respond with a question.
I responded with “address my post rather than asking a question”.

I responded with “address my post rather than asking a question”.
I have nothing to add to your post, and nothing to question. It’s a completely typical and understandable opinion. One that I largely share. I ahave insurance , and it is fine - expensive but fine. And suits my families needs.
All things being equal, I’m a creature of habit, and am content to continue along this way - for me.
But the question remains - what about ht emissions of americans who don’t have insurance and can’t afford insurance?

But the question remains - what about ht emissions of americans who don’t have insurance and can’t afford insurance?
Perhaps you forget? Before ACA? We had all kinds of clinics that charged people on a sliding scale.
We had and still have Medicaid.
We had and still have ER’s to treat people on an acute basis.
Now… Let me ask you. What about the millions MORE who because they cannot afford their deductible or co-pay (because all they are able to afford is a “bronze plan”) can’t go to the doctor and are suffering?

I supported the public option - so pretty basic, no frills insurance.
Sex change? Abortion?
I am absolutely serious.
Basic, no frill insurance under ACA is more expensive (out of pocket) than short term insurance in which you can better play the odds.

That Medicaid doesn’t handle working americans who make too much to qualify and make too little to afford insurance.
BTW, the number of uninsured americans is on the rise again.
I’m not talking about Medicaid, nobody can be turned away at public Hospitals. And paying cash saves money for most people anyway. I personally, have paid in far more on premiums than I received in benefits, and that is even the case now that I was forced (by my retirement health insurance plan) to go on Medicare. I pay $134 per month, which seems small compared to almost any other health insurance plan, but I still don’t get nearly as many dollars worth of care out of it as I pay in. I bet I would have save several hundred thousand dollars over my life had I been self-insured.
Of course the number of insured Americans has gone down. The Mandate was repealed so now all of those people who didn’t want to buy insurance, don’t have to.