Connecticut lawmakers campaign in Washington to disarm law-abiding citizens

Which is why your so called “right” to bear arms, your happiness, your freedom, etc… can all be taken away by anyone or agency with sufficient force to do so…

Rights given by God can not be taken away by any government.

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If you think your happiness or freedom or even life can’t be taken away from you, you’re sleeping…

Of course they can. One’s claim to those God-given rights can not be taken away since the government does not give those rights.

Meaningless sense you can be relieved of everything you consider to have been given you by god. Which is mythological to begin with.

You can deny the facts all you want. Sadly you fail to understand.
If you do not believe in God, what do you believe? Big Bang? Aliens seeding Earth? Flat Earth? Zeus?

There are no “facts” relevant to any gods, and one needn’t of necessity believe in one of the ABC gods to walk thru life happy and prosperous.

Romans 1:20 - “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Well sure the Bible promotes and defends itself. But it’s no different than any other book written by men…never mind the contradictory statement by Paul

Scientific evidence verifies the Bible. There are no contridictio0ns in the Bible. You can only cherry-pick a verse out of context.

@LastManOut and @montecresto1

I keep clicking on this thread to read any updated information on the topic at hand not a debate about the Bible. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I say let these idiots in the Northeast keep doing stupid stuff like this. They drive all of the smart, conservative, and talented people out of their high tax states that they flooded with illegals and they all come down south where the cost of living is cheaper and you’re free to carry whatever gun you want. A lot of folks don’t welcome conservative Yankees down here but I do because they bring their skills and talents to the South and they truly appreciate the freedom and way of life that we have created here. So if there are any conservative still left in Connecticut I invite you to move south, Georgia welcomes you!

Actually, they are moving out of their high tax states and imposing the same policies on the States they move to. Florida, where I live used to be conservative but now it’s up for grabs.

Look at what happened to Colorado and what is happening to Texas.

The liberals are like a virus infecting everything they touch.

I didn’t say I want liberals moving to the south. I want conservatives who are still in the Northeast or stuck in liberal shitholes to get out.

Yeah, I get that Margie. I don’t disagree with you.

However, what is happening are the liberals are moving out and perpetuating their failures in States where they reap the tax benefits. They leave the conservatives in the States they left to pick up the pieces of their disastrous policies.

It would be great for conservatives to move out of those States but they aren’t. They are fighting the best they can.

And quite frankly, IMO, they need to stay in their States and fight.

We have the Electoral College. The importance of cannot be underestimated.

I’m thinking of the example of Donald Trump, where his liberal state government idiots were coming after him so he turned around and made FLORIDA his new residence. That means no more city and state taxes from Mr. Trump to New York.

I know a lot of liberals are leaving the high cost areas but so many are staying. If they all left then conservatives could easily move to those states and take over, but that’s not happening.

What’s the point of fighting in a state that will let illegals and dead people vote against your interests? Better to go to a place that’s already conservative and make sure it stays that way. Blue states are already lost to the electoral college you can’t lose them anymore than they are already gone.

Then I guess it is a good thing you aren’t forced to read this. :wink: