That’s your standard out. When you find someone difficult to cope with, you bid them farewell…but then you never really go away.
I’ll not be aggrieved by anything you do or don’t do. Your existence is totally insignificant to me.
That’s your standard out. When you find someone difficult to cope with, you bid them farewell…but then you never really go away.
I’ll not be aggrieved by anything you do or don’t do. Your existence is totally insignificant to me.
No it does not! It was a bad policy since it’s inception, and there are plenty of examples to support that view! The fact that is was designed as another method for taxation and not addressing costs issue should tell you all you need to know, that is when your not busy trying to feed your confirmation bias on such issues or can elevate your views to being intellectually honest! I won’t hold my breath on the latter!
Notice she didn’t say anything about the national debt that was so damn important during the 2016 campaign.
The reason for that is because the 5 time bankrupt bone spurs fake president promised to pay off the ND in eight years, and run balanced budgets, because it was so easy the fat blowhard bragged.
But what has really happened? The 19.8 trillion ND that he beat the hell out of Obama over is now over 22 trillion, and the balanced budgets… well, he’s signed RECORD budget deficits…
And they still like him lmao.
Again another partisan hit job by you Monte that is not rooted in facts! Every president inherits the previous administrations deficit. If you want me to pull up CRA’s to prove this, I will, and you will look pretty foolish in putting forth this hackneyed argument to support your TDS!
Why waste my time ? You’ve indicated that your positions are intractable.
Intractable perhaps to you…quite easily manageable by me until I’m presented with sufficient evidence that they’re wrong.
McConnell will laugh it right back to the house.
You and your party won, the public no longer gives a shit about the debt.
Some days ya just gotta love Louie.
Facts don’t matter to some, remember?
Pretty handy to grand themselves to redefine words on the fly.
That depends on what the definition of is is.
A little Heidegger of question of being. Lol!
You say you have an aversion to liars. The ACA was predicated on lies, pushed through congress with quid pro quo deals for votes.
Americans were very vocal about opposing ACA, showing up at Town Hall meetings, letters to their congressmen, etc.
Obama: “Will lower your costs by $2,500.00.” “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
Pelosi: “You have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.”
Costs of insurance have skyrocketed. Many cannot afford the deductible or the co-pays whereas before they could.
A lot of people getting less in care so a donut hole could be closed. Medicaid should have been expanded to cover those cases, not a system people didn’t want.
It was a socialist move and we are not a socialist country.
McConnell will laugh the asinine House indictment off the floor of the Senate. The impeachment crime House Dems are cooking up in their witches cauldron wouldn’t get past any courtroom in the nation, including the most liberal court, and certainly won’t go anywhere in the Senate.
The key word here is were. In my searches on this I found many articles speaking to why Americans hated the ACA. Most were from 2017, 2015 or earlier. I found one article from October of 2019 that speaks to the current state of the ACA.
- a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
America will never become a socialist country. But some institutions work best under a socialist model, the Military for instance as well as Social Security, Medicare and a few other government agencies.
I will tell you in advance that you’ll not like what this piece has to say. I encourage you to read it and the comments that follow. Unless America for some reason seizes all means of producing everything then I don’t see us getting any closer to true socialism.
I’m frankly more concerned that what Kruschev said back in 1956
I was nine years old in 1956 when I read that Russia’s Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within…” I distinctly remember thinking at my tender age, “That will never happen.” And now I am horrified to see Khrushchev’s words coming true.
None of what I said is untrue.
You said you don’t like liars but you never addressed what you think of Obama and Pelosi, how the democrat party lied and mislead (another form of a lie) in order to pass ACA.
As to the Kaiser Study you need to take a closer look at the demographic break down. The results are not unexpected or shocking in the least.
Following Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the summer of 2017, KFF Health Tracking Polls have found a slight uptick in overall favorability towards the 2010 health care law. The most recent KFF Tracking Poll shows over half of the public (53%) hold favorable opinions of the ACA while about four in ten (41%) hold a negative opinion of the law. Across partisans, over eight in ten Democrats (84%) have a favorable view of the ACA compared to roughly half of independents (52%) and a much smaller share of Republicans (16%). Explore more demographic breakdowns using our ACA interactive.
No, in the current occupants induced hyper partisan politics they’re not shocking at all.
I like both and will take their lies over those of the current occupant, Mitch, Jungle Gym Jordan, Devin (my cow) Nunes, Lindsay Graham, Barr, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Miss KellyAnne, …I could list more but dinner is served.
There’s no equivalency, none at all, to what we’re forced to endure since the current occupant put his stench on American politics.
What a loyal libtard you are! You’re putting Biden’s rule of choosing truth (as you see it) over facts to good use.
Get a clue…your opinion does not represent the truth.
After ending the speech, Biden took questions from the audience, the first asking who was his favorite historical figure who was not a president of the United States.
“I think my favorite historical figure — there is a couple of philosophers who I find understood human nature better than most people,” Biden said. “But in terms of political figures, maybe my favorite political figure, it is a tough call, I would have to say it is those people who gave America hope. Made them believe in who we are. You said not a president. I would have to start off with Jefferson, even though he didn’t live up to it. He is the guy that wrote that incredible document.”
Thomas Jefferson , who was the first person Biden named, was the third president of the United States.
“Truth over Facts” huh? That is a good one! The post modern Paradigm rearing it’s ugly head again in the form of moral relativism! Of course Truth is being valued over facts, to them it’s subjective, thus it can be anything they want it to be! A Freudian slip on the dumb retarded side of Biden! LMAO!