Clinton: Sanders and supporters did not do enough to unify party in 2016

Bernie has been a failure his entire life.

Amazing that he was even elected to the Senate and now has people who support him for President.

Personally, I don’t want a President who champions a loser lifestyle. I want a President who champions all people to become winners.

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Excellent turnout for Bernie tonight.

I pretty much feel the same way! Bernie is a once self avowed communist and is on record as supporting that view! Once that happens he simply can never be trusted. People that support and want to or voted for him are not only naive on the issues they think they are championing but grossly misinform, and is evidenced by some of the statements I read here. Holy cow! I really never thought the disconnect to reality was this far and wide!

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ACA or a public option, IMO won’t pass without being stripped of important clauses. Medicare for all will not pass in its current iteration. But the difference is that Medicare for all has less negotiating room when it comes to involving large public risk pools. In other words, trying to change the American system to single payer won’t work with small public pools. You have to incorporate a large pool and negotiate down.

In 2008, the Congressional Budget Office projected that if Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid go unchanged, by 2082 the tax rate for the lowest tax bracket would increase from roughly 10% to 25% and that the tax rate on incomes in the current 25% bracket would have to be increased to 63% and the tax rate of the highest bracket would have to be raised from 35% to 88%. The top corporate tax rate would also increase from 35% to 88%. These insane tax rates would create serious problems with tax avoidance and tax evasion. So with all of that being said, tell me how Bernie pays for all of this. We can’t afford what we have now.


Hey…Bernie Bros! What am I supposed to do when this thing knocks on my door?


As I said earlier in this thread. The Democrats will not allow Bernie to get the nomination. The fix is already in. They are rigging the polls now.

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[quote=“Dr_Manhattan, post:63, topic:7193”]
I don’t want a President who champions a loser lifestyle
[/quote] @ DMK

AMEN !!! Bernie always looks like he slept under a bridge fully dressed and combed his hair with some stray cat !!
Bernie wife was his campaign manager and took $12, 450,000 of the funds . He allowed the DNC to buy him out and will do it again . The Sanders lived off the TAXPAYERS his ENTIRE miserable life . It took this dope 40 years to collect a pay check and that was from the government he registered freeloaders for food stamps .
Bernie should stick to what he knows well and wrote about " MASTURBATION AND RAPE " , THE SICK FUCK !!! Where the F are the #metoo asswipes ?

Bernie is a major FRAUD he is there simply to get his kickback from the dummycrats like 2016 and to allow his wife to be the " campaign manager " again and collect 13million !!!

He never does , he is a Bernie supporter enough said !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Can you EVEN comprehend what the stock market would look like if dimwit Bernie won ? Of course NOT !!! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :clown_face: :clown_face:
It is obvious you never had a 401K or investments besides your bubblegum wrappers .