Opinion? I’m giving you polling data here, this debunks your opinion.
Hey let’s rewrite the dictionary and call Bernie a communist while we’re rolling back environmental regulations lel
It doesn’t matter because Bernie isn’t going to get the nomination.
Every poll suggests Bernie is winning Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. What planet are you on? The caucus is in 3 days…rofl
You do realize a lot of people who voted Trump were Bernie Bros who were pissed at the DNC, right? I was one of them.
The same will happen if Bernie Sanders gets the nomination, Biden supporters will vote for Trump.
I don’t like Bernie either but I like this kind of behavior even less.
The Democrats are really undermining voters and that is entirely un-American.
lol Biden voters are predominantly voting on the mantra “Never Trump”… they would never vote for Trump. rofl
I think they would if Bernie Sanders gets the nomination…either that or they won’t vote at all.
The Trump train has passed man. We all gave up on Trump when he started making horrible USMCA trade deals, bankrupting farmers, his fail-wall that rests on mexican trees for support, and his incredibly annoying and stupid tweetstorms. We grew up.
None of the dem hopefuls have a shot at the Presidency. They are too far left.
The right learned their lesson not to be complacent after 8 years of Obama and “you have to pass the bill to see what’s in it”.
The Democrats have taken a public relations bloodbath with how they treated Kavanaugh and now their impeachment witch hunt.
And do not forget, we don’t elect our President by popular vote.
Socialist , commie , do nothing ,free loaders , one in the same today !
There have been 88,899 federal rules and regulations since 1995 through December 2016, as the chart shows; but “only” 4,312 laws. Our lives and our businesses are actually tightly constrained by millions upon millions of rules and regulations. In fact, in some areas of the country today you need a “degree” and multiple “licenses” before you can even submit an application for permission to start certain businesses. Today, the Federal Register is over 80,000 plus pages That is just one example of how bad things have gotten.
Get a F-ing JOB and stop thinking we have money trees in every F-ing yard . FREE, FREE, FREE ,FREE . WTF !!!
Wow. That was a lot of words and assumptions. Let’s stick with the facts…
There is a reason why we have many of those laws, namely corporate abuse of working people. Gone are the days of the company store, child labor, and insane working hours. There was a time when Republicans were on the same page and recognized this…Nixon created the EPA if you recall because companies were destroying the environment. Licenses for business aren’t a bad thing. They ensure qualified professionals are serving the public.
You are also assuming that Bernie supporters don’t have jobs, which is simply untrue. The fact is, Bernie has support from what Trump had previously considered his base. People who are actually in the military (not just pro war/never enlisted) are backing an anti-war candidate - it’s as if they think that “cannon fodder” is a shitty way to go. Shocking, I know.
This “free” argument is misinformation. Bernie wants to put the people first by doing things like canceling medical debt, which costs the same as Trump’s most recent military budget increase. Less military spending also means MORE spending on things like infrastructure, agriculture, and education. We are already spending the money…it’s just going to a few big defense companies. Nobody wants that.
Why would you vote against your own interests?
Why are you assuming your interests are mine?
I wasn’t…as I wasn’t replying to your post. But, if you think giving billions of dollars to Boeing, Lockheed, and Raytheon instead of using that money, provided by the taxpayers, to improve the lives of the taxpayers, is voting in your own interests then we probably don’t have much to talk about.
Funny you say that, even Trump said that it was unfair how Bernie Sanders was treated unfairly by his own party. Bernie is kind of d-bag for allowing it to happen and I suspect he took the payoff instead of fighting fire with fire.
I sure as hell don’t want to move to a government controlled health care system.
What on earth makes you think less military spending means more spending on infrastructure?
You already have a government controlled healthcare system and it insures millions of seniors. You also have a heavily regulated private healthcare system with the vast majority of those regulations being written by healthcare industry lobbyists. Look how well that’s working out. It’s the single largest cause of bankruptcy in the US.
Because it’s one of the main planks of the Sanders platform. I believe Trump ran on infrastructure too, but without a way to pay for it…it never got done, let alone started.
The reimbursement rate is abysmal and often below the cost. Doctors are refusing Medicare patients because of it.
Hell, where I live? Doctors who don’t accept insurance have a waiting list.
People don’t count on catastrophic events. So, they take the Bronze plan. Those that gamble but can’t pay the deductibles and co-pays so in the event of a catastrophic event, pay the price.
Insurance used to be affordable before ACA.
People should be able to read what their plan does and does not include and be able to discern what is best for them.
You do realize the States are accountable for 80% of infrastructure costs?
Bernie is an idealist, a dreamer, with no f-ing idea how to accomplish what he is proposing in his dopey speeches. He is great at spending taxpayer dollars but gives LESS than 1 F-ing percent of his salary to charity . Why isn’t he as generous with HIS F-ing money ?
“Medicare for All.” The problem is that Medicare already faces 44 trillion in unfunded liabilities and DENIES healthcare claims at a higher rate than any private insurer. “Medicare for all” would drive the country into bankruptcy.
$19.6 trillion in tax increases. Sanders’s tax increases would cost more than the entire U.S. economy over the next decade.
Massive wealth redistribution. Real moron !
Prosecuting so-called “climate deniers.” Moron .
A hefty estate tax . Does that include his estate ?
Expanding Social Security. Social Security faces $ 22 TRILLION
in unfunded liabilities with cuts in benefits looming.
Curtailing free speech . The criminalization of political dissent,"
Making college tuition-free.
Bernie owns three houses: one in Burlington, Vermont; one in Washington, D.C.; and a third vacation home worth $600,000 on the beach on the Lake Champlain Islands. He is worth over $2,000,000 . Bernie never worked outside of government, welfare freeloader .
Is it any wonder he fails to incentivize people to take up paid work , and become responsible productive members of society . Bernie is a buffoon and a fraud and his supporters happen to be clueless .
Remember when BLM took over his event and he stood by and let it happen?
He is clearly not Presidential material.