China's Uighur Crisis

I protested solemnly. IMO, such extrajudicial killing is immoral, exacerbated Islamic extremism, and kills far too many innocent bystanders. In fact, with the exception of JCPOA, I disapproved of all Obama’s ME policy.

The US incarcerates more people per capita than any other country in the world.

Are you talking about the diseases European settlers brought with them?

Are Uighurs radicalized Muslims?
I don’t think so.

They want to keep their traditional land and culture threatened by artificial settlements of millions of Chinese (which China has in abundance) in Uighur land.

I know most Muslims are not terrorists; but human nature is, well, human nature. Radical Islam gets so much press, Muslims who wish to live in peace are hauled along for the ride. Best to clean your own house. Still, even so called peaceful Muslims can be weird monkeys. Honor killings, FGM, child brides; and that does not work in the favor of peaceful Muslims. It’s a black mark on Islam; the same as the Inquisition was a black mark on Christianty.


Many threads here morph into a puerile pissing match between TWR and someone else. More often than not, both of them have the “I’ll have the last word” syndrome.

Point made. :rofl: :innocent:

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What does it matter? Fact or fiction?

It derails thread topics.

No shit, we are the third largest population in the world and have a lot of criminals.

They aren’t harming the public while incarcerated which is exactly where they belong.

You are correct. As much as 30% of Muslims at least tacitly support Anti western Muslim Terrorism but it’s Muslims themselves who are their primary and most frequent victims.

All I know is, neither Christ or the Buddha ever said: Spread my word by using violence.


No that was mostly Mohammed.

The more ancient religions particularly in the ME also did. Basically every kingdom had it’s own god or gods that supposedly endorsed or even demanded it.

Thanks for posting that article.

I do not believe that

The number of people which the US declares to be incarcerated may be more than any other world metric, but that is because nobody counts the disparus. Referring to this thread China is denying that the Uighurs are being incarcerated, and nobody dare speak out because they also become a disparu.

Some Chinese people are really afraid to talk about some subjects, such as mainland Chinese even mentioning the region known as Hong Kong.

Proof ? Sorry but I have personally spoken to these people and you will have to take my word for it. Wei Chat (?sp) apparently blocks all Hong Kong references.

Why do so many Chinese people use Wei Chat? …because WhatsApp is blocked in China.

That is correct. Especially the people who have Huawei phones. However it doesn’t block conversation inquiries about HK as a recent colleague just asked me yesterday about the situation in HK. Posting articles however is blocked.

The US has a staggering number of prisoners, mostly blacks.

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You can provide a cited source to support your assertion anytime. Blacks commit more crimes in the aggregate of the total but only represent 13% of the total population.

[quote=“Exodus, post:74, topic:6494”]
I do not believe that


Hey thanks for posting outdated,useless links and cherry picking stats to suit your stupid narrative! That is so Monte of ya! :rofl:

Louisiana is the world’s prison capital. The state imprisons more of its people, per head, than any of its U.S. counterparts. First among Americans means first in the world.

—Cindy Chang, The Times-Picayune , May 13, 2012

There is no disputing that the US has the highest incarceration rates in the world, and that is based on population and other factors. However depending on what sources you are willing to accept the list of the second highest is where things get crossed. Why is the US all of a sudden being singled out and not other countries such as Russia and China? Hmm, it appears some here are more interested in practicing intellectual dishonesty than to look at this in a more balanced and objective perspective.

This site is probably the closest to representing accurate data with recent reporting.

Now to list the other sites who try to labor on this view but with skewed and different and conflicting information.