China's Uighur Crisis

You are dangerously ignorant.

And you’re unbelievably naive.

Are you going to continue making a fool of yourself?

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You believe unsubstantiated anecdotes from any Tom, Dick and Harry (oh, and NASA :smile: ) but you accuse me of being a fool? Do you not get the irony of that ridiculous assertion?

Yes, only a fool would believe that the hundreds, even thousands of anecdotes are not factual.

The Fact that the Chinese will not allow international inspectors in to see conditions and interview prisoners confirms it.

The broken bones, scars, and removed organs are corroboration as are multiple prisoners affirming each others stories.

I’m not sure which is worse, the fact you are so dangerously ignorant or the fact that ignorance is willful.


You might have heard ‘hundreds, even thousands’ of anecdotes, but I’ve only heard 3 or 4. So how do you explain that away?

Willful ignorance. You avoid learning anything and reject anything that challenges your prejudices, premises, or preconceptions.

Hearsay, without any foundation or evidence whatsoever. aka fake news?

More ignorance. All of those are examples of corroboration in any court in the western world.

You keep saying I’m ignorant, and I retaliate that you’re naive and gullible: I don’t really see any point in going around and around in circles with this exchange, so let’s just drop it shall we?


Or just stop proving how dangerously ignorant you are.

Maybe go out and learn something and pull those snakes out of your head?

FEMA death camps… in the good old USA

If I need to learn something I sure won’t be asking you for lessons. Now ffs drop it??

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You can end the conversation at any time by exiting. No one is forcing you to read or post.

A little self examination might be healthy.

Which never existed.

See no evil
Hear no evil
Speak no evil

That’s how the world gets in trouble.

No, your problem is you see things that don’t exist and aren’t there and will swallow any bullshit conspiracy you see, hear, or read as gospel rejecting all actual evidence and indisputable fact to the contrary.

shows death camps are there waiting for you.
I don’t know if you have children, but your behavior demonstrates your total lack of responsibility for you children and their children.

The entire BS story has been debunked completely.

There are no death camps anywhere in the US and never have been.

Great articles, thank you for posting them.