China Just Went Nuclear In The Trade War, And There Is No Turning Back Now

Got anything to say source it ? Your Marxist socialist dogma is meaningless dribble .

Adding a Question Mark would make this much more readable.

Got anything to say source it? Your Marxist socialist dogma is meaningless dribble .

It seems to me the only citizens wishing for a recession in America are the socialist elitist from both coasts .


Not sure what that means, I’m asking you why a protracted trade war with China is necessary that hurts the American people, the people of China, and threatens economic downturn (or worse) for the US and the world. Just bring manufacturing home. :man_shrugging:

I don’t know what the coastal folks want, I’m in fly over country.

Why should the number two economy in the world dictate terms to the number one economy in the world ?
The Communist Chinese economy is in decline and that is a good thing for the nations of free world .

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But I haven’t suggested that anybody should be dictating anything to anyone else. I’m merely asking you to explain the constant need for Trumps ‘bull in the China shop’ approach. Why a war, just bring your manufacturing home and tell China it’s been nice. :man_shrugging:

What a simpleton’s simplistic approach demonstrating absolutely no understanding of the issues involved in US/China trade relations.

Without overturning a huge amount of the tax code and environmental regs those jobs cannot simply be “brought back home”.

It certainly can’t be done quickly or simply.

The Communist Chinese government is not an America ally if anything they are hostile to America and our interest .
Anything America can do to slow down the growth of Communist China and reduce there influence on world politics is good for America and our allies .



China use underhand tactics to gain control of industries recently they bought and produced as much steel as they could and sold it at a loss just to put their rivals out of business they have no problems manipulating their currency to make their goods cheaper globally

America should make life as hard for China as possible they are international rivals


I haven’t even spoke to that. Certainly haven’t made any such claim so I’m not sure why you’re addressing it…:man_shrugging:

“I’m merely asking you to explain the constant need for Trumps ‘bull in the China shop’ approach.”
Asked and answered !!!
What exactly are you trying to say ?

Yeah, I finally understood what you’re wanting.

Except you were purposely being obtuse about it as you usually are with your posts when called out on your duplicity!

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That’s the kind of shit that leads to unnecessary war. Seeking America first policies is one thing, and can be defended on certain levels. Intentional provocation is quite another.

Blah blah blah! More nonsense from the in house resident clown, as usual doesn’t have a clue on what they are talking about! Trolling hard this one is!

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Tell that to the citizens of Hong Kong , Tibet , Republic of China !

Latin America. China has invested $150 billion in the region since 2005, more than the combined lending from the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America. It has become the largest trading partner to several countries including Brazil, the region’s largest economy, and the second-largest trading partner in the region with two-way trade increasing by more than 1,400% since 2002.■China pledged a $250 billion investment over ten years and is seeking to increase its market share and Latin America’s dependence on China for its future economic prosperity.■China has leveraged its influence to isolate Taiwan, America’s strategic ally, pressing Panama, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador to cut ties with Taiwan.

CHINA’S GROWING INFLUENCE: IS AMERICA GETTING LEFT BEHIND?July 2019OUTPACING U.S. INVESTMENTS IN DIPLOMACY AND DEVELOPMENT■Belt and Road. China is expected to spend over $1 trillion on its “Belt and Road” initiative – seven times the size of the Marshall Plan in real dollars. This initiative is already building new markets for Chinese goods and increasing China’s economic connectivity from Asia to Europe to Africa to the Americas, encompassing more than 60% of the world’s population and one-third of global GDP. China has invested in 42 ports in 34 countries around the world and recently convinced Italy, the first G7 country, and Luxembourg to join the initiative.■New Chinese Development Institutions. China launched a new ministry-level development agency – the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) – to better coordinate and advance its commercial and foreign policy interests around the world. China also launched the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in 2014 which already has 93 member states, including many of America’s strategic allies.■Debt-Trap Diplomacy? China’s financing for infrastructure development around the world has created strategic dependencies in countries unable to repay the loans.■When Sri Lanka faced major debt problems stemming from a Chinese-financed port project, Beijing negotiated a swap of the debt for a 99-year lease on the strategic Hambantota Port, giving China control over a key trade and shipping route in its Belt and Road Initiative.■Chinese infrastructure investments have left many other countries – including Djibouti, Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Montenegro – at significant risk with large debts owed to China. These concerns have led several countries such as Pakistan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Tanzania to scale back their commitments to the initiative.

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None of that has anything to do with wanting the US to engage in provocations with China. Why not move manufacturing back and stop trading with China if they won’t agree to trade practices we think are fair. Why the insistence on economic war with them?

Btw, I’m the one that regularly posts Pentagon reports warning about China’s military build up as well as their activities in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. I need no education on China and their capabilities or activities. But it’s not directly related to the issue of trade and Trumps economic war.

If America just goes into it’s own shell that will allow China to carry on with its aggressive economic expansion and then when America is forced to act it will be doing so in a weaker position that if it acts now