Calling a Spade a Spade

There are those who will claim there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.

From personal experience, I know this to be untrue. I have several Muslim friends, some of which agree with me when I say that all radical Muslims should be killed. They oppose terrorism and Sharia Law. They do not believe that “infidels” should be converted or killed. They are tolerant of other religions. One of my Muslim friends is married to a ■■■■

This thread is not for discussion of whether moderate Muslims exist or how their numbers compare to the numbers of radicals. I know they exist.

It is to discuss their speaking out against what the radicals are doing, why there seems to be little of it, what can be done to promote it. Personal experiences, ideas and links to sites that encourage involvement of moderate Muslims in the suppressing terrorism are welcome.

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Just like all religions there are moderates thru to extremist wackos? I’d proscribe religion if I could; it’s our greatest threat.

Exactly what do you mean proscribe and our greatest threat?

‘proscribe’ means to ban something; and our greatest threat is the Islamic global jihad.

Your previous statement seems to suggest banning religion altogether! That being said, banning Islam would not be consistent with free speech!

Not that hard to figure out really, most violence committed by radical Muslims is committed against other Muslims.

Studies I’ve seen show only about 5% or so of the world’s Muslims are radicalize, a large percentage support them to varying degrees but the majority do not.

Unless and until there is a reformation and new, non violent reformation of Islam the equation isn’t going to change much and there won’t be many clerics brave enough to take a stand publicly condemning the radicals/terrorists simply out of fear of themselves and their followers being targeted.

I’ve met a whole lot of Muslims here and aboard and overwhelmingly they are good people, worshiping the same God as ■■■■ and Christians and wanting to lead peaceful and productive lives.

Just like our own racists and anti Semites they are a very small percentage of the population but make a whole lot of noise and damn the rest of us by association.

Well not to get into the weeds here but I have ask is this a mere attention seeker or something else?

Maybe I’m just tired but it’s too cryptic for me. I’m guessing Omar is the unnamed congresswoman?

When the shit hits the fan, which will be fairly soon, moderate Muslims will be just as vulnerable as the rest of us. It only takes say, 3 extremists to engender naked fear into a thousand people, and that number includes the likes of you and me. The difference is that they (jihadists) don’t know fear like we do; indeed they seek out personal danger, and nobody, but nobody can win against an enemy who actually wants to die for the cause.

Honestly I don’t get scared, I just get angry and want to hunt them down and kill them all like I did in my younger days.

Two legged, four legged, or crawling on their bellies I like hunting and killing vermin.

Call me a sociopath if you like but at least I’m a controlled, targeted, and efficient sociopath.

Nope, and I feel exactly the same. There are some humans who just don’t deserve to draw breath; they’re merely life-forms who have no purpose other than the make the lives of others a misery, and the world would be a far better place without them.

My great grand father was a Federal Marshall sent into NM just after the Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett era. His job was to clean out the last of the bad men in a territory larger than most US states.

During his career he killed off 28 men and put over a hundred in prison.

Of all his accomplishments he was proudest of leading the last armed Federal Posse in the state.

When asked about how he lived with the number of men he’d killed wounded and the additional men killed and wounded by the various Posses he lead he simply say, “Well, some men just need Kill’n”.

Cold as hell but 100% correct.

At least I come by my attitude honestly and from the right side of history.

Looks like you’re a ‘chip off the old block’ then? That’s some history you’ve got there. Would that mine were so interesting.

Y’see - there’s never any way we can tell whether or not they mean what they’re saying?? I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time before free speech is a privilege we’ll have to learn to live without.

Sorry, I am unequivocally going to disagree with you on that!

It’s sobering to realise that neither of us might have a say in it. You make it sound as if I’m advocating an end of freedom of expression, but it’s the last thing I want. But sometimes circumstances or events beyond our control make it that we can’t have what we want.

The point is, Dr Manhattan, we have to be as smart as they are - or smarter, otherwise they’ll prevail over us.

That is your belief not mine for we operate on different frequencies you and I

That’s fine - but read my edit above before we shut this conversation down? I’m getting pushed for time now anyway - not that there’s much more to say about it.

If you’re in the UK “free speech” is long dead and has been replaced with a privilege as opposed to a right.

More than anything you have to hang on resolutely to what is right and be more outspoken and committed than they are.