What the Democrats want is something to accuse him over. Where they get it doesn’t matter. What it is doesn’t matter. They’ll accuse him of wrongdoing if he doesn’t hand it over and if he does they’ll use the new legal standard of “if we look long and hard enough we’ll find something illegal” (the presumption of guilt for something somewhere rather than of innocence) to find something to accuse him of.
The seriousness of the charges is all that they need.
Seems to me that democrats, if ever allowed to win control of the government again, fully intend to never relinquish it no matter what. From this to all of their candidates being on record in support of packing the supreme court, abolishing the legislative filibuster and importing millions of new voters. We have reached the point where they have become the sort of political party that if they ever win they will never allow themselves to be voted out going forward.
I disagree. He is not legally required to hand them over. Congress, by law, cannot use them for the purposes of a witch hunt even if he did.
Congress needs to be slapped down and put in their place. Reminded that they are NOT above the law and cannot twist laws to their benefit for political games.
Reminds me of a democrat I saw on the news fuming that Barr didn’t show up, saying, “The President needs to be reminded congress is a co-equal branch of government”, pretty funny. Hey, congressman, that means you don’t get to tell the executive branch what to do. Seems like you are the one in need of reminding what co-equal means.
Yes, to call out the hypocrisy. No, because by calling out the hypocrisy you force people (in the hot seat) to have to consider producing what they are demanding from others. Which is an invasion of their right to privacy.
Sure, there are a lot who will do it, but a lot who won’t. All of the Presidential hopeful’s have done so already. But, it was voluntary.