Bye bye Trump boy

Lmao, get your tax dodging fat ass out. :rofl:

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Wow. A sitting US governor disclosing the tax information of a private citizen. Real nice. I hope he gets locked up for that.


The tax dodger bragged that he doesn’t pay taxes himself. Not like it’s a secret.

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Yes, because Andrew Cuomo adds so much value to the New York economy.


Welcome to Florida, President Trump!

It is an honor to have you as a resident! :us:


What a disgraceful low class display by Andrew Cuomo. He’s only governor in that shithole state because of his daddy. He is crushing the economy of NY and sending NY residents fleeing the state. Good luck paying for all your stupid shit Andy when the only people living in your state are those on the dole and illegal aliens.

Yep, very astute of you.

“Under Governor Cuomo’s leadership, New York’s economy is in a state of growth. Since 2011, the unemployment rate has declined in every region of the state, and New York now has 8 million private sector jobs, more than at any point in state history.”

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If anyone knows how to be divisive its Cuomo. Trump has the resources to employ tax people to reduce his taxes or not have to pay taxes. If I was in his income bracket, I would do the same. Only pay what you have to.
How much do those Libtards in Hollywood pay in taxes especially Robert DeZero the foul mouth, Chelsea Handler and others. How about the the late niters Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert or are they untouchable.

So what you’re saying is it’s ok for Trump not to pay taxes, but not the actors…

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If they are that innocent, let them release their tax returns or STF up
and stop bitching about Trump. They either put up or STF up.

Do you think all Americans should pay taxes, or just the working stiff.

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Who writes tax law @montecresto1? Don’t strain yourself. That’s rhetorical…it’s Congress. If you don’t like the way the tax laws are written then maybe you should go whine about it to Congress instead of getting all pouty about a shrewd businessman keeping as much as his money as he can. Everyone who earns a paycheck does the same damn thing at tax time.

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Somebody was bragging that Trump doesn’t pay taxes but criticizing “Hollywood elites” for not doing so. :man_shrugging:

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I don’t care what some unnamed person on the internet was doing. I was addressing you and your comments directly.

It was right here in this thread…

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No. That isn’t what he is saying.

If all Americans paid taxes they might actually take an interest in what they are paying for.

Free health care for illegals when an American citizen cannot afford a co-pay might just become an issue, for example.


Monte are you illiterate or being obtuse??? I said if the Hollywood Libtards are crying about him not paying taxes, they should release their tax returns for us to see how much or little they pay.Let thanit IGNORANT ANAL ORIFICE De ZERO be the first one.
And after them, let the Anti Trump athletes like Lebron James release his tax returns. Maybe there is Communist China money in there.

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Monte, always making excuses for the Liberal Elites.


If tRUMP is innocent then he should release his returns don’t you think?