YEP. I just called them out and look forward to their response after they’re done sucking on their foot.
What free health care do they receive from the federal government?
That is why the Panama papers was such a big deal! If actual Tax reform were a flat tax and all the loop holes were abolished, then everyone would pay their fair share. The problem with the latter is that would mean Congress and the Senate members like Romney who hide their money in shell companies over seas would be exposed! It’s the left that always decries of people not paying their fair share, but the reality is the law is written in away that makes it pretty easy to not pay taxes at all and it’s perfectly legal.
Who said that they were? I didn’t…
They receive free healthcare from the federal government and taxpayers every time they walk into an emergency room.
I said nothing about Medicare.
All told, Americans cross-subsidize health care for unauthorized immigrants to the tune of $18.5 billion a year . Of this total, federal taxpayers provided $11.2 billion in subsidized care to unauthorized immigrants in 2016.
Really, what excuses am I making for them in this regard that you’re not making for Trump???
What are you smoking? Have you been to an ER in the past 5 years? Packed with illegals all getting care with interpreters at their bedside. It’s a disgrace and we are stuck paying for it.
Ok now we are in the month of November, let’s see how many substantive arguments you can make without mentioning Trump or making any comments that is about him.