"British Politics and Government is not Fit for Purpose"

I was watching some interviews recently where the general public were interviewed by reporters in Tory strongholds. They all acknowledge nothing has got better in the 14 years of Tory power off yet continue to vote for them. The definition of insanity or maybe they’re just retarded Either way , this is a classic boomer mindset in the uk

It is a well documented fact that the younger generations in europe are turning their backs on Neo liberalism Open borders green policies, taxations without representation and quite frankly are looking for a europe for europeans

Muslim migration has been the catalyst for this mindset people like myself who have grown up as an ethnic minority in europe whilst being ethnic european Do not want this problem to spread further and effect future generations I would rather this whole thing burn down now than later Less damage would be done And I would take the damage more so than my children

I literally just got a reform Leaflets through my door Here are some of its key points

Net zero immigration
Lower taxes
Cheaper energy
Reduce waiting lists (Presumably nhs waiting lists)
Mental health care
Sensible environmental policies
Proportional representation

I came to the window go talk to the guy who posted this leaflet He did not Stop to talk I understand he’s a volunteer and busy

But I mean, let’s realistically think about this leaflet We do not need 0 net migration.We need mass deportation

Lower taxes Last time a prime minister tried that the bank of england staged a coup against her Thanks to previous tony blair Policy

Mental health care Most of the mental health problems in this country are due to financial stress and poor die It’s not a problem that money can solve or services can reduce Let’s look at causes Not Symptoms. A good Walk is better for depression than depression medication I would Probably be depressed if I could not afford a house to live in and My children where forced to go to school with other children that hated them And I lived off ultra process junk food while Being morbidly obese

Reduced waiting lists on the NHS Let’s be honest here.We have an ageing population and privatised Health care has backed us into a corner In which the bill is ever-increasing Eventually, we’re going to have to take the bullet And lose Nationalised health care Maybe if we nationalise other Industries we could afford Nationalised health care I don’t have the answers It’s a complicated subject.

Cheaper energy just reduce taxes Energy companies profits are through the roof Whilst my bills are through the roof Not a hard correlations to Recognise.

Sensible environmental policies stop buying cheap shit from China

Proportionate representation sounds like a way of trying to say british values First , why not just say british values first?

Also a pension system is not fit for purpose That is also an every increasing bill.That needs to be propped up by Mass immigration Previous generations took up too much of the pie and did not allow younger Younger generations do get a foot into the society. A housing ladder and producing enough children as a consequence fuck their pensions fuck Mine as well We need to stop thinking long term this country and make some serious sacrifices

Basically , reform are not going in a direction that will make big enough changes to this country To fix How long term problems but hopefully they are a step in the right direction

I mean, let’s look at this realistically.Look at what’s just happening at clacton on sea if nigel does not ignore all media criticism It’s just more proof of how weak Reform party is Bank manager number one complaining that he’s Been called a bad name
No one cares fuck off you cunt

You’re right.

No political party that stands any chance at all of getting elected, can simply state what needs to be done. The Left have done too good a job at indoctrinating the population for that to work.

For one thing, the British people – of all political persuasions – now have the attitude, “the government will take care of us”. This can’t be reversed overnight.

So all parties basically have to promise to maintain or increase public spending, while lowering taxes and not increasing the national debt.

You have to read between the lines of what their leaders say – Labour tries to sound like the Conservatives, but you know what they’ll do once in power. You have to hope the people who end up leading Reform have the same perspective, but in the other direction … in other words, that they channel Margaret Thatcher.

In any case, in the UK, Reform is the only party to vote for.

The real question is: what to do after the election, regardless of well Reform performs. What Reform members need to do is to organze in every constituency, so that they have an on-going, campaigning, group. The Left beat us six ways from Sunday on this, and we need to learn from the Enemy here.

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WTF ? Talk about low IQ … :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Jewish people do punch well above their weight in terms of academic and financial success however historically they seem to be their own worst enemies I believe the kalergi plan will have long term negative effects on the jewish global population as the younger european populations are awaken up to this Also the jewish plan of Planned parenthood targeting african populations Will probably also have negative effects on the jewish global population

Just to clarify predicting something is not advocating for it

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So why are they a protected class like most minorities ?

Sorry what is the question?

By claiming to be victims all the time.

(And suckers believe that)

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Who wants more and more black children?
Even the blacks themselves don’t.

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They end up on welfare and working taxpayer foot the bill to raise them and they follow the 4 generations before them and end up with their children on welfare , endless cycle !!1
We spend OVER A TRILLION DOLLARS on social PROGRAMS from child nutrition , housing assistance , and welfare assistance . Why isn’t Welfare managed similar to unemployment ? Collect for 2 years and your DONE ! That’s way more time than workers get !!!


That is why the cycle needs to be broken by installing and reverting back to traditional values. God, Family, Work, communities. Everyone has been a victim of the “divide and conquer” strategy all across the globe. Its what keeps the elites in power.


It’s a plan that is working well for Globalist/NWO crowd. Klaus Schwab is grinning ear to ear.

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Good luck!

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Neither the Conservative nor Labour can save Britain.
The choice is obvious.

Anti semitism is code for what you are not allowed to criticise.


Reform Party scored some major seats on the 4th of July election in the UK.

Given they don’t have the “infrastructure” for elections, it is a victory of sorts. At least satnist Cameron is out.

Still, the core evil is the two-party system. Whether Conservative or Labour, they pursue the same globalist agenda.

As if the US Government and people are worth a shit. Faced with the reality that Biden has dementia and not ft for government, people still support him.

As to the UK, the embedded lifetime bureaucrats control the government, changing the head does nothing as the body continues forward.

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As far as Prime Ministers are concerned, the UK went from bad to worse in no time while Sunak is now enjoying his 7 million dollar California home. The good news is the Reform Party will have enough seats to keep the check and balances in play.

Reform received around 15% of votes and received five seats which is not enough to make any real changes politically to highlight a problem within british politics The liberal democrats Which are more to the left than The Labour Party received around 12% of votes and they have 71 seats which is 60 more seats than they had last time

For the reform party to make real political changes inward this recent election was probably not the best news If anything british politics have moved the further to the left as a result of the recent election

Politically I’m a accelerationalist and have been for a few years now the quicker things come to a head the better it will be as less damaged that will have be done to British society

I don’t know how to post a map, but when you look at the seats the liberal democrats have claimed it’s actually a very big cause of concern to people closer to the right like myself Basically white middle class people have voted them in By this point in time I wrongly presumed that even the white Middle classes would have worked out they need to engage in some level of Identity politics It’s almost embarrassing how silly they are