Brexit Betrayal

You might be prepared so sit through an hour of a video then find yourself wondering what the salient point of it was, but I sure ain’t!

Where to begin? Do you think everything is normal when fake news is rampant, official lying is de rigueur, we start wars, then bugger off from the destroyed countries leaving the poor bloody indigenous populations to clean up the mess we inflicted on them viz. Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon to be Syria? And that’s just for starters.

The truth is out.

Earlier today, French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his fears of Britain becoming a top competitor in the event of a no deal.

The top EU adviser said Paris fears that Britain will become a highly competitive economy.

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That reminds me of when, to explain why my latest novel went straight to the Remainders table (DOH!), my publisher came up with a suggestion to turn things around a bit. Quoth she, ‘Maybe it’s because you begin all your books with “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” Why not do a re-write, and try another opening - why not try something like “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” That might work?’

That was in reply to 1598 - I hit the ‘3 consecutive posts’ rule and have been waiting 20 minutes to post it. It was funny when I first wrote it! :roll_eyes:

Like rats in a sack aren’t they - you know who I’m talking about . . . our European friends and partners?

Did you have to post that pic of May - it’s ruined my day!

Generally speaking, those who brag have justification to. It is the mysogynists who have the problems. Misogyny aka small dick syndrome.

Link please? :grin:

Aren’t these Yahoo smileys pathetic - I’ve just seen one ‘called’ no_mouth. WTF?

Thats exactly why we can never leave.

I am surprised at you Jen - no-one likes a braggart, justified or not.

Ah, I see you question me… :joy:

Psst… it’s called having a laugh.

I don’t see the connection, but ok.

Yeah missed that - my mistake

So, you think she had no memory?

Your truncated the quote.

Your question is rather stupid.

You’re showing entirely too much interest it the implied subject of her quest for knowledge.

That depends on the subject of the video. I recently watched a 55 minute video of a Paul McCartney interview that included a 2 minute singing performance near the end.

And it seems no matter who’s in charge, the ruling elite will continue to delay, avoid leaving the EU.

This saga has gone on too long already. The Parliament is just as screwed up as our Congress. The Remainers are doing the same thing that our Demwit Democrat Party is doing…impeding the will of the people in refusing to accept the results of a legitimate vote.

They also have their ruling elite. I find it amazing how a portion of both countries line up to support them in their desires to reshape our countries.


Third PM in a row that can’t pull it off. Maybe just maybe what was promised can’t be delivered, and what can be delivered no-one will like.

It is highly unusual that a government does not have a majority. May is to blame for that. During the last GE, not only did she deliberately lose seats, but she filled the party with Remainers, who were there to vote against any Brexit proposal. Now we have a proper Conservative government, Boris has had to do a clean out, hence losing the majority. The only solution is to have a GE again, but Labour blocked it and at the same time, because of Bercow changing the rules, these libs are running amok creating laws to tie Boris’ hands. Previously only Government could make laws - not so anymore!

Cameron was another one instrumental to the stitch up, by creating the Fixed Term Parliament Act. In order to circumvent that, 75% of the House need to be in favour of a GE. Of course all the Labour MPs abstained. Boris could get round that by introducing another law which puts that law on hold, and that would require a simple majority of one.

We will certainly have a GE before the end of the year. The longer the Remainers play their nasty games, the more people will see what a vile bunch they are and the bigger majority the Conservatives will get. All Conservative candidates will be proper Conservatives, not duplicitous, traitorous liars who were happy to get their seat, swearing on the Tory manifesto of delivering Brexit, then when elected doing the complete opposite.

If all the traitors lost their seats either when they jumped to another party (Lib Dems who openly say they will revoke Article 50), or when they lost their whip and by elections were held, there wouldn’t be this problem now, because the Government will still have a decent majority.

The Conservative Party conference has finished now. Since the beginning of September and when Parliament was prorogued, the Lib Dems and Labour both had their conferences. Then the Supreme Court ruled Boris’ proroguing was unlawful, so Parliament opened its doors again. The Conservatives tabled a motion to shut Parliament down for a few days whilst they had their conference - after all it was only fair! You know what, the nasty lib infestation said no. True nasty colours we are seeing.

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