🚨 Breaking: President Trump shot in Assassination Attempt 🚨

Trump needs to hire a security team .

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The internet sleuths have to make their living some how!

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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I still can not get this image out of my head! This is the picture of what is wrong with this Government. DEI has to end! Women have no business being in these positions and the director needs to either resign or be fired or which ever comes first!



Jimmy Dore breaks it down pretty succinctly. Candace Owens says it all!

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The Democrat Party has become a “by any means necessary “ party. They have the FBI, CIA , and Secret Service in their pocket .We all know the FBI and CIA are the best at manufacturing assassins . There is no boundary when it comes to protecting their power. They have made that clear not only with their vitriol, but with their more recent lawfare against Trump. Chuck Schumer publicly threatening members of the Supreme Court , these are the modern thugs of the left .

Dems energize and incite their base into violent rage to stay in power . The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye,”~Joe Biden 7/8/2024.

The thought of a roof top not being occupied by secret service 150 yards away has the footprint of the CIA all over it .


This is what David Sacks had to say after the Washington Post tried going after him and Elon Musk.

I KNOW A HERO WHEN I SEE ONE The Washington Post names me along with


as one of several businessmen who are using their “megaphones” to spread “narratives” about the assassination attempt on President Trump. I’m not sure what “narratives” they’re referring to, but I know what I saw, and I know what the crowd in Butler witnessed live. At it turns out, my father-in-law lives in Pennsylvania and he was at the rally on Saturday. When the shots rang out and Trump went down, he said pandemonium broke out around him. Everyone feared the worst. But then Trump rose. Covered in his own blood, resisting the secret service’s efforts to whisk him away to safety, Trump raised his fist defiantly, and the crowd could see him say: “Fight. Fight. Fight.” Immediately the fear of the crowd dissipated, the chaotic uncertainty lifted, and it was replaced with steely resolve. The crowd responded back as one: “USA, USA, USA!” This is not a “narrative.” It is the truth. Trump stood defiant in the face of an assassin’s bullet. There is no way to fake courage like that. It was more important for Trump to let the crowd know that he was unbowed and unbroken than to be taken to safety. Donald Trump has already been in the fight of his life for months, as vindictive Democrats seek to imprison him, but on this day he came within inches of losing it. He has risked everything for this country. It is now up to us, the American people, to show him that he does not stand alone. Let us reject the lies, the hoaxes, the hate and the division that the media has spread about this brave man, and support his resounding victory in November.

The Washington post talking about Billionaires shaping narratives is a funny irony. I hope they enjoy their next round of layoffs because the new agency is hemorrhaging viewers like a sieve.

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Footage of the shooter crawling into position on the roof. Amazing that it took too long for LE to respond when people where telling them there was a shooter on the roof.

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Interesting take! A 20 year had inside access. In other words Trump’s security detail is seriously compromised.

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Interesting And these type of things will be compartmentalised but has it been verified , this is the actual guy?

I believe there have been other cases in American history Where the CIA or some other type of agency basically get autistic or mentally ill people And give them all of the materials needed to carry out attacks At least that’s been a very popular theory over the years

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Its called MK-Ultra


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They want you to believe that this 20-year-old basket case is totally capable of outsmarting the entire US Secret Service and the FBI, and they just can’t seem to crack his phone.

It’s not like they’ve got a whole agency dedicated to that or anything. Maybe, just maybe, the government is either lying through their teeth or they’re just so incompetent that mass firings are the only logical next step.

This kid clearly spent his entire waking life posting batshit crazy stuff on the Internet & 48 hours later we don’t have a SINGLE post of his on any platform. Very weird!

“It was a 20 year old lone gunman with no social media footprint”


There would be charges of RACISM if heis censored or impeachment proceedings are started.
Doesnt the SS fall under DHS and MAYDORKAS. Where is he hiding and where was QUEEN HILLARY during this.Why was John Brennan om TV giving his opinion in light of his actions against Trump.

When LE is told to standdown it’s not amazing it’s a PLOT !!!

I was just listening to Alex Jones and Roger Stone podcast on “X”, and what worries me most as they brought this issue up, is the fact that now that the Deep State has failed to assassinate Trump their next step is to escalate the war in Ukraine with Russia, for the sole purpose to suspending the elections in November altogether which would prevent Trump from taking office. Anthony Blinken already stated recently that Ukraine will become a NATO member which essentially is Russia’s red line. This to me is the next logical step that the Deep State is going to take.


When the most evil are in power they will resort to every dirty trick in their playbook and that book is very deep !!!

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Officer Willis may be a hero for making the post, identifying himself as the (SS) sniper “protecting” Trump.

My question is: Why didn’t he have the gumption to pull the trigger without asking for a stupid “permission”?

Why didn’t he yell to Trump to crouch or lie down to protect himself and to the crowd to disperse?

He wasted three minutes, mind you.

Fishy, fishy.

Alejandro Mayorkas, a Joo, ordered Trump assassination.