Breaking: Pence is expected to do this on Jan 6th

Rand Paul today…

“The vote today is not a protest; the vote today is literally to overturn the election! Voting to overturn state-certified elections would be the opposite of what states’ rights Republicans have always advocated for. This would doom the electoral college forever. It was never intended by our founders that Congress have the power to overturn state-certified elections. My oath to the Constitution doesn’t allow me to disobey the law. I cannot vote to overturn the verdict of the states.”

I guarantee that the evidence when seen will shock everyone. Those cowardly Senators and Congressmen on the take for years—China colluders— Antifa trained to infiltrate Trump supporters. That wasn’t Trump supporter causing the problems but Antifa funders were running a con. The woman that was killed was not a violent one some in the room WERE Trump supporters.

This is just one clear example out of many!

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That was Antifa today…pretending to be Trump Supporters look at the videos. You can smell them.

So what you are saying is that Trump supporters are easily fooled because their sure as hell were some die hard supporters in the Capitol building.

Think about it logically, if no Trump supporters were in the building, those outside would soon put two and two together and we would hear if about from everywhere.

Just want to ask again, how did this reliable source get it so wrong?

I thought perhaps when they reconvened Pence would roll it out but either I missed it or it did not happen.

Is Kelly Loeffler now a RINO and part of the deep state?

Part of the deep state? By definition what does the deep state mean to you?

Loeffler is part of the cabal that used her office to profit with insider trading information that much I do know. She along with many others including Republicans are guilty as such and its a non partisan issue. People like you who are misinformed of the facts because of your blind hatred of one man do more to obstruct justice than to allow it to be properly served. In essence you do more in advocacy to protect the deep state than to expose its criminal elements. Like a person who has battered wife syndrome you are so willing to go back to your abuser and pretend nothing ever happened, while using make-up to cover that black eye you got.


It’s not over yet…

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Btw, I provided you the requested information…:wink:

So, Pence did NOT do what the op claimed he would do. And in fact, nothing that PB retrumplicans have claimed would happen since Election Day has happened…

In a fair, and most secure election in US election history, Joe Biden beat the pants off Trump, and the senate has voted to confirm Biden’s win, and congress is nearly finished in voting to confirm Biden’s win…

Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th president of the United States…:us::us::us::us:

I think LIn Wood was right all along about Pence. I just thought Lin Wood was over the top, weird, with his remarks about Pence. Some interesting stuff on Lin Wood Fan Pages on Parler.

Her death will not be in vain! She laid her life on the line for the cause! There will be a price!


I did not see that and now you peaked my interest. It turns out he was right about a lot of things. I did hear on other sites about the Pence part.

Now every sleazy forum of programmed liars, has the lowest slime posting Trump Hate…,…blaming him for this Antifa scam and the cop;s murder of this poor Young woman.

It’s the gauntlet in hell they will run.

gauntlet 04

Hmm. Very interesting. God have mercy on our country!

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Ashli Babbitt freedom fighter RIP.


Congress critters aren’t cowards, they’re doing exactly what they intend to do. They can’t have Trump for another 4 years because they know he’s been doing a lot of harm to the establishment and they can’t continue their pay for play schemes with him in there. You think it’s an accident that the House and Senate did NOTHING about the mail in balloting changes the executives were doing? They could have passed a law to shut it down but not a word was mentioned about it. Why? At least HALF of the Republican party up there are part of the corruption and they’re on the same team as the Democrats. The ONLY way we’ll change this stuff is to pass term limits. From my perspective, you should be allowed to serve no more than 2 consecutive terms in each body and no more than 16 combined years in DC politics.


And of course that will never happen…:man_shrugging: