Breaking: Pence is expected to do this on Jan 6th

Why are these numbers difficult to believe? Trump is potentially one of the most decisive candidates of modern American history. His base loves him, the thought of losing him drives up voter turn out. The Democrats despise him with a passion, this drives up voter turn out. You can see that the numbers increased in 2016 as well, but after 4 years of Trump people that didn’t vote in the last election have had plenty of time to firmly settle into their respective camps. If Trump votes were being tossed left and right wouldn’t we expect voter turn out to go down? Instead we see the opposite.

We are all bickering amongst ourselves about voter fraud and while we are distracted Russia and China get unchecked freedom to mess with the world however they please.



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I don’t question the numbers at all. I believe trump got 74 million and Biden got 81 million.

Btw, I agree with you about Russia/China…

Whenever Monte Speaks_SQ

“Do the math. If there’s 133 million registered voters and Biden received 81 million, then Trump actually received 52 million votes”

  • Montecrusty Yesterday

“I don’t question the numbers at all. I believe trump got 74 million and Biden got 81 million.”

  • Montecrusty today

Primary reason no one takes the in house Troll serious. The clown known as Montecrusty can’t ever seem to get his story straight. He suffers from a severe Brain fungus disease.

You been warned.


81 million what? …

It’s already been certified for Biden…:man_shrugging:

Objection! Lol haha…


Total Registered Democrats (-1.5%)
Total Registered Republicans (3.7%)

“In Pennsylvania, a state that before 2016 hadn’t selected a GOP presidential candidate since 1988, Democrats’ voter registration edge has fallen by nearly 200,000”

“A tight race is also playing out in Wisconsin, where Mr. Trump beat Clinton by just over 20,000 votes in 2016. Wisconsin does not track party affiliation. But the state’s total registered voter pool is shrinking. In November 2016, there were more than 3.5 million registered voters. As of September, the number was less than 3.5 million registered voters. This comes as hundreds of thousands of voters have been purged from the voter rolls since 2016. And the battle over removing voters continues.”

“Overall, Democrats have registered about 132,000 more new voters than Republicans since the 2016 election,”

Things just don’t add up. It’s impossible to find out the total number of registered voters in the US. I wonder why. I wonder about a lot of things that make absolutely no statistical sense whatsoever.

Won by a lot! …

The states certified their elections. A lot of republicans instrumental in states Trump is alleging fraud…

So many proven voter fraud cases

Monte please simply provide for me the number of registered voters in the US. I’m sure it is a finite number. I am so surprised that Google cannot provide it for me.

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Then why have I constantly seen the number of 133 M thrown about here?

I screenshot this from the Census Bureau table for 2016. Of 224 million eligible voters by age, 157.6 million were registered and we know that efforts on both sides of the isle brought lots of new voters out for this election…

They don’t seem to have the 2020 numbers up yet…

But it’s readily available information, don’t know why you can’t find it…:thinking:

It’s hard to believe because it’s unprecedented in the past 120 years. The last time we saw voter turnout this high was in 1900 when blacks and women couldn’t vote. Certainly, Hillary and Trump were this divisive in 2016, yet turnout was 22,000,000 votes less. That’s 16% higher than the previous election.

I’m not arguing that the votes went DOWN due to fraud, I’m arguing that we had algorithms that added Trump votes for every Biden vote manufactured through voter fraud with mail in balloting. For instance, if you count 250,000 votes for Biden, you cannot report 0 Trump votes so you have to mix in some Trump votes so it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb. There is evidence that they didn’t do this in every case, seeing that there are at times counts where >95% went for Biden.

Follow the time stamped data releases and all of the sudden, you see a jump in votes for Biden out of line with the rest of the counting. While this could be explained through a single county that votes 70% for Biden to some degree, you don’t see the same corresponding jumps for Trump in counties that vote 70% for Trump. It suggests manufactured votes.

If you compare this on a state to state basis, there is no way Trump got 25% more votes in Texas at the same time that Biden got 36% more votes than Hillary. There’s no way Trump saw a boost of 17.8% in Georgia at the same time that Biden saw a boost of 31.7%. It’s just not logical.

Lastly, there’s ZERO chance that Biden had a voter turnout of 69% when Obama, a charismatic young black man in a historic election had 57%. From 2004 to 2016, we had an increase in population of 10.3% and a total vote increase of 12.1%. From 2016 to 2020, I’m expected to believe we had a 2.15% population increase and a 17% voter increase? I’m supposed to believe the first black president got a record 69 million votes to McCain’s 59 million votes and the vote totals in 2016 were 65 million for Hillary to 62 million for Trump… yet 4 years later, we now have a vote total of 81 million for Biden -vs- 74 million for Trump? Name another time in history where a sitting president netted an increase of 17.84% in total votes and LOST the election. ONE TIME. This SCREAMS of algorithm and manufactured votes.

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There were actually 213-239 million registered voters for the record. :wink:

Here’s from Wiki:

Also pulled this off of

Number of Registered Voters 2020 Pop. % Registered As Of
Alabama 3,708,804 4,908,620 75.56% 11/4/2020
Alaska 597,319 734,002 81.38% 11/3/2020
Arizona 4,281,152 7,378,490 58.02% 11/4/2020
Arkansas 1,755,775 3,039,000 57.77% 6/3/2020
California 22,047,448 39,937,500 55.20% 10/19/2020
Colorado 4,238,513 5,845,530 72.51% 11/1/2020
Connecticut 2,375,537 3,563,080 66.67% 10/29/2019
Delaware 738,563 982,895 75.14% 11/1/2020
Florida 14,065,627 21,993,000 63.96% 8/31/2020
Georgia 7,233,584 10,736,100 67.38% 11/1/2020
Hawaii 830,000 1,412,690 58.75% 10/29/2020
Idaho 1,010,984 1,826,160 55.36% 11/2/2020
Illinois 8,036,534 12,659,700 63.48% 3/17/2020
Indiana 4,585,024 6,745,350 67.97% 6/2/2020
Iowa 2,245,096 3,179,850 70.60% 11/2/2020
Kansas 1,851,397 2,910,360 63.61% 7/1/2020
Kentucky 3,565,428 4,499,690 79.24% 10/10/2020
Louisiana 3,091,340 4,645,180 66.55% 11/1/2020
Maine 1,063,383 1,345,790 79.02% 8/3/2020
Maryland 4,141,498 6,083,120 68.08% 10/13/2020
Massachusetts 4,812,909 6,976,600 68.99% 10/24/2020
Michigan 8,127,040 10,045,000 80.91% 11/3/2020
Minnesota 3,588,563 5,700,670 62.95% 11/2/2020
Mississippi 1,985,928 2,989,260 66.44% 11/3/2020
Missouri 4,213,092 6,169,270 68.29% 11/1/2018
Montana 696,292 1,086,760 64.07% 3/1/2020
Nebraska 1,252,089 1,952,570 64.13% 10/1/2020
Nevada 1,821,356 3,139,660 58.01% 11/2/2020
New Hampshire 998,537 1,371,250 72.82% 10/21/2020
New Jersey 6,486,299 8,936,570 72.58% 11/2/2020
New Mexico 1,350,181 2,096,640 64.40% 10/30/2020
New York 13,555,547 19,440,500 69.73% 11/1/2020
North Carolina 7,361,219 10,611,900 69.37% 11/3/2020
North Dakota 581,379 761,723 76.32% 3/1/2020
Ohio 7,774,767 11,747,700 66.18% 3/17/2020
Oklahoma 2,259,113 3,954,820 57.12% 11/1/2020
Oregon 2,924,292 4,301,090 67.99% 10/7/2020
Pennsylvania 9,091,371 12,820,900 70.91% 11/2/2020
Rhode Island 809,821 1,056,160 76.68% 11/3/2020
South Carolina 3,513,225 5,210,100 67.43% 11/3/2020
South Dakota 578,666 903,027 64.08% 11/3/2020
Tennessee 3,931,248 6,897,580 56.99% 6/1/2020
Texas 16,211,198 29,472,300 55.00% 3/1/2020
Utah 1,857,861 3,282,120 56.61% 11/3/2020
Vermont 495,267 628,061 78.86% 9/1/2020
Virginia 5,975,696 8,626,210 69.27% 11/1/2020
Washington 4,861,482 7,797,100 62.35% 10/27/2020
West Virginia 1,268,460 1,778,070 71.34% 10/13/2020
Wisconsin 3,684,726 5,851,750 62.97% 11/1/2020
Wyoming 268,837 567,025 47.41% 11/3/2020
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Yet we’re supposed to believe that Biden’s vote total increased by 18.23% while Trump’s increased by 13.72%. Absolute bullshit. When you look at the math, it’s absolutely clear that Democrats cheated. This shit needs to be slapped down with force if necessary.

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Mike pence will ignore 6 sets of electors from states that were stolen from trump.
Throwing out the election, leaving it to the house of reps.

I bet he doesn’t. My guess is he’ll uphold the count.

I agree these numbers are unprecedented, but I don’t think that implies they are impossible nor even unlikely. As I said before, 17% increase in the number of votes for Trump doesn’t scream voter fraud to me, it screams a divisive president. There is a clear trend in American voting patterns. We mostly just don’t give a fuck, having consistently less than 2/3 voter turn out year after year. In 2016, we don’t see large numbers of voters come out to support Trump or Clinton. Is this surprising? No, they were both garbage candidates (IMO) and I would argue this is the main reason why a huge portion of Americans never vote at all. The candidates are always garbage. The fact that voter turn out went up when Obama ran the first time means people were excited by him. On the flip side, while one half of the country was excited, the other half was worried about electing one of the most liberal candidates in modern American history. Both those factors drove up voter turn out. The same happens with Trump in 2020. Two walking trash cans run in 2016 and nobody cares, but people do start to care after 4 years of 24 hour media coverage of the Trump presidency. Whether you watch Fox News or CNN, there was no getting away from hearing praise or scandals about what was going on in the White House. It was 4 years of political debates and arguments with family and friends. Some love Trump with a passion and some hate Trump with a passion. It is difficult to stay neutral in that environment. After 4 years in the thick of all this, all those voters that usually don’t care have actually picked a side for once. This was not a Trump vs Biden election, this was a Trump vs not-Trump election. I encourage you to find someone who is indifferent to Trump; nearly everyone I’ve spoken to has an opinion about him one way or another. I am not surprised that in an election for someone as divisive as Trump that voter turn out would increase by a huge factor for both candidates. Obama was not so divisive, sure you might not like him, but most didn’t hate him. Same goes for most elections in the last 50 years. This huge increase in voter turn out is what happens when you force typically neutral moderates to pick a side.

I also agree with you that the most likely way for Biden to fake votes would be to do exactly as you described, adding artificial votes to the count for Biden while marginally increasing Trump votes, but I think these large voter chunks you point to that lean heavily towards Biden are indicative of the unique way votes were tallied this year. That is, given this election cycle in the midst of covid-19 used a number of mail in ballots that has never been seen in American history, it should not be surprising that we don’t have a precedent for the kind of swings that we saw towards the end of the count. Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, I think most would agree that mail in votes were more likely to be votes for Biden, as I would imagine that those fired up for a Trump victory would be more likely to come to the polls. Let’s be real, very few Democrats were “fired up” for Biden to win. So when you see that big chunk of mail in votes get counted and they lean towards Biden, that’s not illogical, that is statistics. Unprecedented statistics, sure. Voter fraud, nope.

So the Republican governor of Georgia, the Republican lieutenant governor, the Republican SOS and the Republican election manger all have worked in concert with democrats to steal the election from Trump and give it to Biden. And more, all those conservative judges, including several Trump appointments, all are working with democrats to steal the election from Trump…:thinking:

It would be quite telling if so many Republicans were putting their careers and freedom on the line to steal an election from a Republican to give it to a democrat. The world has to be watching this with unmatched astonishment…:flushed: