You’re telling me we saw 21,000,000 more votes in this election cycle than last? NO FUCKING WAY. That’s an increase of more than 15% from the previous election. Running the figures, it means that Trump got 17.84% more votes than he had in 2016 and lost. Biden managed 23.43% more than Hillary in 2016? Seriously? Keep in mind, the third party votes dropped significantly (more than 5 million votes less) so those numbers won’t add up to the 15%
Hillary: 65.8MM
Trump: 62.9MM
Third Party: 8.3MM
Biden: 81.2MM
Trump: 74.2MM
Third Party: 2.9MM
Can you name a time in history where a President increased his vote total from the previous election by 17.8% and LOST? It’s never happened. EVER.
You trust the corrupt ass system, I’ll trust my lying eyes. Take the SC cases that were “tossed”. The one from Texas was refused due to “lack of standing”. Not one fact was heard. Here’s the status, again, I think you have your facts mixed up.
10 have been dropped.
26 have been dismissed without hearing a single fact
6 have an ongoing appeal
3 have a trial ongoing
6 have been ruled
51 total law suits, not all of them filed by the Trump campaign.
Have you been paying attention to the legislatures and the testimony being given in the contested states? Some pretty damning information in them. Again, you side with the establishment, that’s clear. I side with the truth and I don’t care which way the election goes, I want it to be fair and I want it argued in court, not just dismissed by corrupt ass judges.
YES. I’m rejecting the votes being certified in states where the integrity is in question and to me, that’s ALL of them at this point. I want this investigated. The numbers are completely out of the norm and I don’t just trust that the states are doing the right thing. I want this fixed for the NEXT election regardless of how this crap turns out so I’m going to continue to bitch, write letters and post fact until someone listens. There are tens of thousands just like me.
Think about something. These idiots certified the vote in Georgia and there’s CONCLUSIVE PROOF via VIDEO that there was cheating going on. What’s the motive to certify the vote? Some don’t want riots, some don’t want Trump… I just don’t trust them.
Many of those judges are conservative appointments, a few of them are Trump appointments. And yes, I trust the American democratic institutions that have worked for America and made us great, setting us apart from much of the rest of the world our entire history…
If you don’t trust them, then you have no country…
Yep, think about that. A State with a Republican governor, a Republican lieutenant governor, a Republican SOS and a Republican election manager, all of whom campaigned for Trump, voted for Trump, stealing the election from Trump…
Have you MISSED us talking about the swamp? You think these establishment critters have any interest in a 2nd Trump administration? Combine the years in politics between those folks and you’ll have your answer. I’ve said it a hundred times, the reason we cannot prosecute corruption with the Bidens and Clintons is there are way too many on both sides that are guilty as well.
And yes, I’m scared we’ve lost our country. If we cannot trust an election, it’s over. We have lost control. The next step will be either Constitutional convention or civil war. I’d rather be dead than run out of what used to be the greatest nation on the face of the planet: what drove the collapse? Spending. This has turned into a money laundering scheme to steal from the people. Think about something else. Spending in the US this year will exceed $10 TRILLION. That’s $30,000 for every man, woman and child. Did you get your $30k X the number of people in your family worth? If not, where did it go? This is and has been about money and the only way to get our country back is to jail or kill the corrupt ones… seems like we’re nearing the point of no return.
Ohh it’s gone i was a shopping center today had to leave every store a because they are all refugees refuse to speak English. We been invaded and there is nothing we can do. Excerpt hope for a civil war than all the rules of war kick in
It’s not just them, it’s his own hand picked administration (DHS/DOJ/FBI/CISA) it’s the various state courts and the Supreme Court, stacked by him now…
And now Trump is added to “the corrupt ones”… he promised to pay off the national debt and run balanced budgets and he’s been worse on both than any prior president…