Except - he plead guilty.
This is one intriguing detail! Thanks Sidney Powell!
”Many of these non-compliant queries involved use of the same identifiers over different date ranges”…
Or put in common language: “from November 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016,” the same people were being repeatedly and continually searched within the database.”
Wow! This is a major bombshell by Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell! Holy crap!
Here are some of the revelations as result her filing today
We’re going to go through the primary filing and four exhibits to the evidence Attorney Sidney Powell is delivering to Judge Emmet Sullivan which contain some explosive discoveries. Toplines including:
(1) Lisa Page edited the Flynn 302’s, then forgot when questioned by DOJ officials, then re-remembered when shown her texts. (2) The 302’s themselves were written with lies that do not match notes taken during the interview. (3) The felony leaker of the Flynn-Kislyak phone call is named (James Baker). (4) New texts from Page and Strzok that highlight the entrapment plan. (5) ODNI James Clapper telling WaPo reporter Ignatius to “ take the kill shot on Flynn “. (6) The purposeful use of Judge Contreras to take the December 1st 2017 plea agreement; and much, much more.
What’s the objective of this filing?
Attorney Sidney Powell outlines:
Lisa Page played a role in editing the Flynn 302:
The relationship between Judge Rudy Contreras and FBI Agent Peter Strzok was never revealed to the court, or to the Flynn defense team prior to a plea agreement that was overseen by Judge Contreras.
Linked article:
Because he lied to the FBI…
He failed to register as a lobbyist despite being paid by Turkey. That’s a violation of the law. He lied to the FBI, that’s a BIG violation of the law.
My prediction is McCabe will be the first dominoe to fall!
All the lefty’s here are certainly going to get eggs on their faces!
Smug Comey declares… I’m not worried about a single thing Durham is investigating…
So everyone who takes a plea is guilty ?
When the weight of the government and all their money and resources begin to roll , even the wealthy can’t afford the cost of a trial and will take a plea .
Well, a plea is a admission of guilt that is forever public record! Felons get it worse and can’t vote, so there is that! It’s all about imposing your will thus the saying elections have consequences no matter what the “we resist much” snow flakes say here!
It could be argued that they colluded to influence the 2018 mid-term election…To gain control to push this fraudulent impeachment process.
We have a big problem. I am optimistic Barr is up to the task.
Biggest obstacle is the media…who should be against the secret hearings by Intel committee.
Smith added, “Sydney Powell has brought forth a whole bunch of important information … about how they tinkered with the FBI’s interviews. They also [ambushed](https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/12/12/nolte-fbis-andrew-mccabe-exposed-dishonest-michael-flynn-setup/) General Flynn in the White House for an interview, and we know how that went down. It was James Comey who asked his deputy director Andy McCabe to send agents down there to go after General Flynn.
Smith remarked, “Keep in mind, this is a very, very large operation against General Flynn that started long before Donald Trump was elected, and this was the other terrific thing that Sydney Powell has done with her work.”
“Stefan Halper, who was identified by the Washington Post and the New York Times as the confidential human source who was sent to spy on the Trump campaign,” noted Smith. “Now, what Sydney Powell has found, is that he had a handler at the Pentagon. So we’re talking about the Department of Justice, we’re talking about the FBI, but we’re also talking about the Pentagon. We are talking about a number of different agencies involved in targeting General Flynn.”
FBI agents are often able to claim their interview subjects “lie,” noted Smith, given the FBI’s convention to rely on notes from interviewing agents as opposed to actual recordings of interviews.
“I’ve spoken to people about this [perjury trap],” shared Smith, “former FBI agents who have said [and] who have pointed out quite correctly that these people are experienced in doing interrogation. They can get basically anyone to catch themselves up and lie or make an error, say something wrong, and then, if the prosecutor wants to take someone down and hurt someone, they’ll do that.”
“They wanted to both knock [Michael Flynn] out of power, knock him out of the White House, and to bankrupt him, and these are things that they’ve done to him,” Smith said.
Flynn sought to combat waste and fraud across intelligence agencies as President Donald Trump’s national security advisor via audits, said Smith.
“When General Flynn was coming to the White House, [he] was talking about conducting an audit across the intelligence community,” Smith explained. “He recognized the amount of waste [and] the amount of money that had been misspent. He knew what people were doing. He knew that people were hiding these things in different black programs, and he was going to look and start to inspect budgets.”
Smith continued, “He was going to get the entire senior intelligence service to hand in their resignations. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean he was going to fire everyone. What it means, though, is he wanted everyone to prove what they were doing, that they were doing their jobs, they were doing good for the country, they weren’t wasting money, they weren’t wasting time, and they weren’t running operations like the one they ran against General Flynn.”
“The intelligence community, at that point — what has correctly and colorfully became known as the deep state — they rose nearly as one and they realized that General Flynn was an existential threat,” assessed Smith. “He was actually going to start looking at their budgets and start looking at what they did. They had to find a way to fight him.”
Excellent post! The key IMO is Andrew Weissman! Sidney Powell despises him with fevered animosity for his blatant violations of his Hippocratic oath! This guy needs to be stripped of his license, disbarred and thrown in jail! For the life of me I can not figure out how he continues to get away without so much as a mention for the shady things he has done! I really hope a day of reckoning is coming for him because there is no other person who is more deserving of it than this D-bag!