Not sure why anyone is surprised by this at all. Virginia has been trending blue for years. Bevin has been a very unpopular politician, and his loss was foreseeable. Secondly, in off-years elections where the incumbent president isnt on the ballot, this is expected.
Thanks! That was hilarious, I’ll take a look at their website and see what else they parody.
And a “foug” in your eye.
I really like this site, THANKS!
I see a couple I need to work on.
Nice try at levity, but posting hit pieces by partisan sights doesn’t make you smarter, in fact it only makes you look smaller! You are no better than all others who love to scream racism, which you should know all too well with your chopsticks comments! So foug right back in your eye!
Oh my is right, Virginia is in the toilet now!
That’s the Trump legacy…
It’s The Onion dood…satire… don’t you understand?
You’re not a happy little fellow are you? You should try whistling while you work kid, bring some joy into your otherwise sad days.
Yeah your humour is weak and lame, nevertheless it was a veiled attempt on your part! Try again! This time try putting a little originality into it as it’s obvious it needs work!